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São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil
Professor da EEFE-USP; Praticante e Pesquisador de Judô; Preparador físico de atletas de modalidades esportivas de combate.

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terça-feira, 9 de novembro de 2010

Enquanto isso, em Tyrol e em Bremem...

Relationship between Asian martial arts and health-related quality of life in Germany
Thomas Draxler, Herwig Ostermann and Wilfried Honekamp
Journal of Public Health

Due to the steady increase in health care costs, a greater focus on maintaining wellness and preventing health issues has been established. Historically, Asian martial arts were closely associated with maintaining healthfulness. Thus, the aim of this investigation was to determine if people who practice Asian martial arts gain any health-related quality of life benefits compared to the general population.
Subject and methods
Therefore, 343 martial artists practicing 8 varieties of martial arts answered the German standardized questionnaire 36 in a controlled setting at 24 martial arts schools (3 schools per martial art) between February 2008 and July 2008. These participants were not given information regarding the purpose of the study. Additionally, between July 2008 and December 2008, 2,512 martial artists completed an online version of the German standardized questionnaire 36.
The results of those completing the questionnaire in person differed from those responding to the online questionnaire. Compared to the general public, both martial arts groups rated their health-related quality of life to be better. Of the parameters evaluated, the greater differences were observed for physical aspects of health than for psychological aspects.
Thus, these results indicate that participation in martial arts provides health-related quality of life benefits associated with the prevention of health problems. However, further studies are needed to understand the complex relationship between the practice of martial arts and improved health.

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