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São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil
Professor da EEFE-USP; Praticante e Pesquisador de Judô; Preparador físico de atletas de modalidades esportivas de combate.

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segunda-feira, 30 de maio de 2011

Ansiedade no TKD

J Sport Exerc Psychol. 2011 Feb;33(1):40-53.

Predictive validity of a three-dimensional model of performance anxiety in the context of tae-kwon-do.
Cheng WN, Hardy L, Woodman T.
We tested the predictive validity of the recently validated three-dimensional model of performance anxiety (Chang, Hardy, & Markland, 2009) with elite tae-kwon-do competitors (N = 99). This conceptual framework emphasized the adaptive potential of anxiety by including a regulatory dimension (reflected by perceived control) along with the intensity-oriented dimensions of cognitive and physiological anxiety. Anxiety was assessed 30 min before a competitive contest using the Three-Factor Anxiety Inventory. Competitors rated their performance on a tae-kwon-do-specific performance scale within 30 min after completion of their contest. Moderated hierarchical regression analyses revealed initial support for the predictive validity of the three-dimensional performance anxiety model. The regulatory dimension of anxiety (perceived control) revealed significant main and interactive effects on performance. This dimension appeared to be adaptive, as performance was better under high than low perceived control, and best vs. worst performance was associated with highest vs. lowest perceived control, respectively. Results are discussed in terms of the importance of the regulatory dimension of anxiety.

Ansiedade competitiva no karate

Competitive Anxiety and Coping Strategies in Young Martial Arts and Track and Field Athletes

Journal Journal of Human Kinetics
Issue Volume 27, Volume 27 / March 2011
Pages 180-189
DOI 10.2478/v10078-011-0014-0
Mieczysław Radochoński1, Wojciech J. Cynarski2, Lidia Perenc3, Lucyna Siorek-Maślanka2
1Department of Psychology, University of Rzeszow
2Faculty of Physical Education, University of Rzeszow
3Institute of Physiotherapy, University of Rzeszow
This study is an examination of the relationship between competitive anxiety and coping strategies in young athletes. Sixty karatekas and 72 track and field athletes were the subjects of the study. The age of the athletes ranged between 18 and 25 years. All had been practicing their sports for 6-8 years. The research instruments employed are the Competitive State Anxiety Inventory-2 (CSAI-2) and the Coping Inventory for Stressful Situations (CISS).
Results show that martial arts athletes reported a significantly higher level of self-confidence and lower levels of cognitive and somatic anxiety compared to track and field athletes. The two groups also differed in regard to the use of coping strategies in stressful situations. For example, the karate athletes used more effective strategies such as task-oriented coping. In the next step of the study, the subjects were divided into two groups according to the level of performance (i.e. "winners" and "losers"). The "losers exhibited higher levels of anxiety, both cognitive and somatic, than "winners". They also had higher scores on less effective coping subscales, e.g. emotion-oriented and avoidance-oriented.
There is a significant interdependence between anxiety and level of performance in competitive stress situations. Future research should also consider the possible mediating role of other psychological factors, such as personality traits.

Ações defensivas em atletas de judô

Dica da Ursula:
Journal of Human Kinetics
Defensive actions of world top judoists

Volume 27, Issue 1, 1 March 2011, Pages 111-122
Boguszewski, D.
Medical University of Warsaw, Rehabilitation Unit, 57 Solec str., 00-424 Warsaw, Poland
The objective of this work was to define and determine the effectiveness of defensive actions applied in judo fighting. The study was based on recordings of final fights from Olympic Games, World Championships and World Cup (2005-2008). Actions of female and male contestants participating in total of 56 fights were analyzed (to an accuracy of 10-second-periods of time). All actions, including attacks, counter-attacks and defense without counter-attack, were recorded and their effectiveness, preparatory actions, breaks and the referees' decisions were evaluated. Altogether fights of 95 contestants were subjected to analysis. According to the author's classification of defensive actions, 12 types of defense without counter-attack were defined as follows: (1) hand block, (2) hip block, (3) maneuvering around, (4) twist onto abdomen, (5) hand and hip block, (6) hand block and maneuvering around, (7) stepping aside, (8) separation from grasp, (9) leaving the mat, (10) leg entanglement, (11) bridge, (12) return to tachi-waza (escape from ne-waza). Types of defense most often applied according to the study - hand block and twist onto abdomen - were the least effective (93% and 70% respectively). Ashi-waza and te-waza were throws most often applied as counter-attack. However, sutemi-waza throws were most effectively (50%) applied. Highly effective counter-attacks (28%) should serve as a clue for coaches and athletes at the competitive level. The rules set forth by professor Jigoro Kano (among others: "give up in order to win") may not be adequate for today's competition.