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São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil
Professor da EEFE-USP; Praticante e Pesquisador de Judô; Preparador físico de atletas de modalidades esportivas de combate.

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terça-feira, 4 de setembro de 2012

Antropometria e desempenho no SJFT em judocas indianos

 2012 Jun;3(2):113-8.

Anthropometric Profile and Special Judo Fitness levels of Indian Judo Players.


Department of Physiology, J.N.M.C. Belgaum, India.



Judo is a complex sport where different anthropological parameters determine performance. Judo, as a sport is not well known in India. There is evident lack of data concerning the anthropological determinants of judo players. This study was conducted to determine the anthropometric profile and Special Judo Fitness levels of judokas.


This cross sectional study was conducted on 31 judo players. Anthropometric profile was assessed by measuring height, weight, body mass index, body circumferences at seven sites, seven site skin fold thickness and body fat percentage as per standard accepted protocol. SpecialJudo Fitness Test - a specific test to evaluate the judo athlete's physical condition was applied. Statistical analysis done using Student's unpaired 't' test and correlation by Karl Pearson's correlation coefficient.


Out of 31 judo players 20 had ≤5 yrs of judo practice (A group) and 11 >5 yrs of judo (B group). Anthropometric findings of both the judogroups were the same. Body fat has negative correlation (r =-0.690, P<0 .05=".05" after="after" and="and" class="highlight" during="during" in="in" nbsp="nbsp" observations="observations" performance="performance" sjft.="sjft." span="span" special="special" style="border: 0px; font-size: 13px; font: inherit; margin: 0px; padding: 0px; vertical-align: baseline;" with="with">judo
fitness test were also similar.


Long term training has a minimal effect on anthropometry. Judo athletes of similar age when submitted to the same training type tend to show equal performance in the game and fitness levels after certain years of training. We also confirm existence of negative correlation between body fat and performance.

Ganho de peso após a pesagem em lutadores iranianos

 2012 Jun;3(2):119-25.

Percentage of body fat and weight gain in participants in the Tehran high school wrestlingchampionship.


Sports Medicine Research Center, Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran.



Weight loss in wrestling has been found to be an interesting issue for researchers. In this regard, complications of weight loss in wrestlers before the competitions and their weight gain in course of competitions have been debated in previous studies. The objective of this study was to investigate the extent of weight gain and to estimate the percentage of body fat in participants in the Tehran high school male wrestlingchampionship.


This study was a cross sectional survey. Subjects were participants of the Tehran high school male wrestling championship (n = 365). Weight gain in course of competitions and body fat levels (based on skin fold measurements) of subjects were measured.


Between the first weigh-in of the wrestlers which was done one day before the competitions and the second weigh-in which was conducted immediately before the first round of their first competition (20 hours), 69% of subjects gained on average 1.3±0.9 kg (range: 0.1 to 6.10 kg) or 2.2±1.7% of the wrestler's weight (range: 0.1 to 9.3). Among the subjects, the mean of fat body percentage was found to be 15.2%.


Rapid weight loss for matches was prevalent among subjects. It was also found that Iranian wrestlers have a relatively higher body fat percentage in comparison to American wrestlers. Therefore, it can be concluded that weight loss behavior of these wrestlers should be changed from using dehydration methods to using gradual methods of weight loss such as fat reduction methods.