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Quem sou eu

São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil
Professor da EEFE-USP; Praticante e Pesquisador de Judô; Preparador físico de atletas de modalidades esportivas de combate.

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sábado, 31 de outubro de 2009

Journal of Sports Science and Medicine tem volume dedicado às modalidades esportivas de combate

Pela terceira vez o periódico traz edição especial com esse foco.
Dessa vez, tem um da USP lá:
Em março haverá abertura de outra edição. Quem sabe na próxima tenhamos um do nosso grupo...
Vejam o que fizeram com a questão do lactato na luta. Creio que possamos fazer algo um pouco melhor com o judô e/ou jiu-jitsu.

sexta-feira, 30 de outubro de 2009

Agora sim, um japonês treinando com carga de verdade

Agradeço o Fabrício pelo envio do link. Contudo, é importante lembrar que ele não participa mais das competições de judô e deve estrear no MMA em breve.

segunda-feira, 26 de outubro de 2009

Perda de peso em atletas de taekwondo, mudanças na imunidade da muscosa bucal e infecção do trato respiratório superior

Changes of mucosal immunity and anti-oxidation activity in elite male Taiwanese Taekwondo athletes associated with intensive training and rapid weight loss.
Tsai ML, Chou KM, Chang CK, Fang SH.
National Taiwan Sport University, Taiwan.
Br J Sports Med. 2009 Oct 21. [Epub ahead of print]

OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study was to investigate the cumulative effects of prolonged intensive training and rapid weight loss on immunological parameters and anti-oxidation activity of elite male Taiwanese Taekwondo athletes. DESIGN: Sixteen elite male Taekwondo athletes (ages: 21.6 (1.3) years of age, Ht 173.7 (5.5) cm) volunteered to participate in this study. Beginning at 30 days prior to a national competition, saliva samples were obtained over a seven-week training, competition and post-competition period. Levels of salivary IgA, cortisol, lactoferrin and FRSA were measured at 30-day, 14-day, 7-day, and 1-day pre-competition and 1-day, 7-day, 19-day post-competition. Body weight and body fat were also recorded. RESULTS: Mean body weight was notably decreased during the week immediately before competition. Results reveal that the levels of salivary IgA were differentially regulated during the training, competition and recovery period; while the salivary cortisol and lactoferrin concentrations and FRSA were not appreciably affected during the training and competition period. Furthermore, the results of URTI incidence indicate that following the decreases of mucosal immunity, the risk of acquiring infection was significantly increased. CONCLUSIONS: Our results demonstrated that mucosal immunity in elite male TKD athletes is modulated by exercise and rapid weight reduction during the training, competition and recovery period. Cumulative effects of prolonged intensive training and rapid weight reduction suppressed mucosal immunity. Furthermore, due to the inverted exclamation mark yenopen window inverted exclamation mark of impaired immunity during the pre-competition period, the incidence of URTI was significantly increased after competition.

domingo, 25 de outubro de 2009

III Prêmio Biofenac

Na sexta-feira (23/10) dois membros do nosso grupo foram premiados na Categoria Ciência da Atividade Física e do Desporto. O Guilherme Artioli e seus co-autores do Laboratório de Nutrição e Metabolismo da EEFE-USP ficaram em segundo com o trabalho:
ARTIOLI, G. G. ; GUALANO, B. ; COELHO, D. F. ; BENATTI, F. B. ; GAILEY, A. W. ; LANCHA JUNIOR, A. H. . Does sodium bicarbonate ingestion improve simulated judo performance. International Journal of Sport Nutrition and Exercise Metabolism, v. 17, p. 207-219, 2007.
Eu e meus co-autores ficamos em quarto lugar com o trabalho:
Franchini, Emerson ; Moraes Bertuzzi, Rômulo Cássio ; Takito, Monica Yuri ; Kiss, Maria A. P. D. M. . Effects of recovery type after a judo match on blood lactate and performance in specific and non-specific judo tasks. European Journal of Applied Physiology, v. 107, p. 377-383, 2009.

Ele recebeu R$ 2.500,00 e eu R$800,00.

Na categoria Iniciação Científica, um trabalho sobr Body Combat e Yoga também foi premiado. O primeiro lugar ficou com meu orientando de graduação no Mackenzie, Rodrigo da Silva Fermino de Oliveira, que recebeu como prêmio um cruzeiro com acompanhante. No ano passado, essa categoria foi vencida pela Ursula Ferreira Julio, também do nosso grupo.

sexta-feira, 23 de outubro de 2009

Jogo limpo nas disputas e em atividades diárias

Estudo do Josepheson Institute investigou as atitudes de atletas do ensino médio americano quanto a ações relacionadas ao desempenho em modalidades esportivas e quanto ao cotidiano. Das lutas, apenas o wrestling foi analisado. Em linhas gerais os lutadores se comportam de forma muito similar à média dos estudantes analisados. De negativo, tendem a utilizar mais insultos de cunho discriminatório racial, consideram normal o treinador pedir para atacar um segmento lesionado do oponente.
Uma adaptação desse material com questões direcionadas às L/AM/MEC pode ser bem interessante para discutir a influência dessas atividades nas atitudes dos praticantes.

Fica o desafio...

quinta-feira, 22 de outubro de 2009

quarta-feira, 21 de outubro de 2009

Para relaxar um pouco: meios de treino inspirados no grande Rocky Balboa

Dicas do Prof. Dr. Michel Calmet

Facilitando a vida dos judocas

A Federação Internacional de Judô criou um novo sistema para colocação da identificação dos atletas em competições de nível internacional. Ao que tudo indica, agora o atleta compra a sua identificação via internet, pagando com cartão de crédito (ufa!!!) e costura em casa. Mais um emprego no esporte para compor a equipe multidisciplinar: fixador de identificação. Fico imaginando os critérios de inclusão do(a) profissional. É o esporte gerando emprego ao redor do mundo (rs).

terça-feira, 20 de outubro de 2009

Revista Textos do Brasil traz volume especial dedicado à Capoeira

Para os praticantes e estudiosos da capoeira, o material pode ser importante para sua melhor compreensão e direcionamento de novos estudos.

segunda-feira, 19 de outubro de 2009

Veja resumo da dissertação de André Alves Farias sobre Zen Budismo e Artes Marciais

O mestrado foi realizado na Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo no programa de Ciências da Religião.
Parabéns ao André por mais essa etapa.
Abaixo o resumo e o link para a apresentação (grato ao André por ceder o material).

A Influência do Zen Budismo nas Artes Marciais Japonesas no Brasil
Nessa dissertação procurou-se contextualizar as transformações ocorridas, ao longo de períodos específicos da história japonesa, dos conteúdos de natureza religiosos e marciais, pertencentes ao universo da arte marcial japonesa praticada no Brasil. O conjunto das artes marciais japonesa é denominado BUDO (Caminho das Artes da Guerra) e a arte marcial específica pesquisada, foi o Kendo (Caminho da Espada). A significativa importância de termos escolhido esta modalidade em relação às demais artes marciais orientais presentes no Brasil se refere à coexistência de aspectos históricos, étnicos e religiosos, que aparentemente, introduzem na cultura brasileira, pressupostos éticos, morais da religião ensinada por Buda Gautama. Por meio da pesquisa empírica ocupamo-nos de investigar algumas das manifestações do universo não-corporal do Kendo a partir de entrevistas com praticantes da modalidade divididos em dois grupos, de acordo com a graduação oficial, regulamentada internacionalmente. As informações obtidas permitiram concluir que, o entendimento filosófico, ético e religioso do Kendo vem adquirindo características cada vez mais locais.

sábado, 17 de outubro de 2009

Artigo sobre recuperação entre as lutas de judô

Artigo do nosso grupo no European Journal of Applied Physiology de novembro

Effects of recovery type after a judo match on blood lactate and performance in specific and non-specific judo tasks
Emerson Franchini ; Rômulo Cássio de Moraes Bertuzzi; Monica Yuri Takito; Maria A. P. D. M. Kiss
Eur J Appl Physiol (2009) 107:377–383
DOI 10.1007/s00421-009-1134-2

Abstract The objective of the present study was to verify if active recovery (AR) applied after a judo match resulted in a better performance when compared to passive recovery (PR) in three tasks varying in specificity to the judo and in measurement of work performed: four upper-body Wingate tests (WT); special judo fitness test (SJFT); another match. For this purpose, three studies were conducted. Sixteen highly trained judo athletes took part in study 1, 9 in study 2, and 12 in study 3. During AR judokas ran (15 min) at the velocity corresponding to 70% of 4 mmol l-1 blood lactate intensity (~50%VO2 peak), while during PR they stayed seated at the competition area. The results indicated that the minimal recovery time reported in judo competitions (15 min) is long enough for sufficient recovery of WT performance and in a specific high-intensity test (SJFT). However, the odds ratio of winning a match increased ten times when a judoka performed AR and his opponent performed PR, but the cause of this phenomenon cannot be explained by changes in number of actions performed or by changes in match’s time structure.

Mariana Barros, atleta que realiza preparação física na EEFE, conquista o campeonato brasileiro sênior 2009 na categoria meio-médio

Meio-Médio Feminino
1. Marina Barros (SP)
2. Laisa Santana (RJ)
3. Viviane Trindade (RS) e Danieli Luci (BA)
5. Patrícia Oliveira (DF) e Fabíola da Silva (SC)

Perfil de aptidão física de lutadores estilo livre do Irã

Physiological Profile of Elite Iranian Junior Freestyle Wrestlers.
Mirzaei B, Curby DG, Rahmani-Nia F, Moghadasi M.
1Department of Sport Sciences, University of Guilan, Rasht, Iran; and 2School of Health and Physical Education, Aurora University, Aurora, Illinois.
J Strength Cond Res 23(x): 000-000, 2009

The purpose of the present investigation was to describe the physiological profile of elite Iranian junior freestyle wrestlers. Seventy elite wrestlers (age 19.8 +/- 0.9 years) who were invited to the national training camps, based on their top 10 national ranking, participated in this study. The physiological profile included body weight, flexibility (sit and reach test), maximal oxygen consumption (Bruce protocol), maximal anaerobic power of the legs (Wingate test), muscular endurance and strength (bench press, squat, pull-ups, push-ups, grip strength, and bent-knee sit-up test), speed (40-m sprint), agility (4 x 9-m shuttle run), and body composition (7-site skinfold). The major results (mean +/- SD) are as follows: body weight (kg): 77.5 +/- 19.8; flexibility (cm): 38.2 +/- 3.94; maximal oxygen consumption ( 50.5 +/- 4.7; maximal anaerobic power of the legs (W): 455.5 +/- 87.6; 1-repetition maximum bench press (weight lifted kg body weight): 1.4 +/- 0.15; 1-repetition maximum squat (weight lifted kg body weight): 1.7 +/- 0.2; push-ups (n): 66.9 +/- 7.6; pull-ups (n): 31.6 +/- 9.7; grip strength (force in kg.body weight kg) 1.02 +/- 0.11; bent-knee sit-ups (n): 66.5 +/- 8; speed (s): 5.07 +/- 0.17; agility (s): 8.7 +/- 0.25; and body fat (%): 10.6 +/- 3.8. The present study provides baseline physiological data that have been used in the prescription of individual training programs for these athletes. This information is also available to the coaches and can contribute to the general strategy employed by a wrestler and for a specific match.

Desidratou? Tome água

Effects of Commercially Formulated Water on the Hydration Status of Dehydrated Collegiate Wrestlers.
Valiente JS, Utter AC, Quindry JC, Nieman DC.
Department of Health, Leisure, and Exercise Science, Appalachian State University, Boone, North Carolina.
J Strength Cond Res. 2009 Oct 12. [Epub ahead of print]

The objective of this study was to evaluate the effects of three different drinks (commercially formulated water, bottled water, and a carbohydrate-electrolyte beverage) on blood and urinary markers of hydration after acute dehydration in collegiate wrestlers. Twenty-one athletes were recruited to perform a randomized, crossover study comparing the effectiveness of commercially formulated water, carbohydrate-electrolyte (6% or 60 g.L), or regular bottled water (placebo) in promoting rehydration after a 3% reduction in body mass. Urine specific gravity (Usg), urine osmolarity (Uosm), plasma osmolarity (Posm), and plasma volume were measured pre- and post-dehydration and at 1 hour after rehydration. Statistical analyses used a 3 (conditions) x 3 (times) repeated measures analysis of variance. Significant (p < 0.01) interactions were found for Posm, Uosm, and Usg. Posm returned to baseline levels and Uosm remained in a lower balance after 1 hour of rehydration in the trials of the commercially formulated water and regular bottled water. No significant interactions were found for plasma volume shift. The findings of this study demonstrate that the commercially formulated water was no more effective in promoting rehydration than either a carbohydrate-electrolyte solution or plain water in collegiate wrestlers after a 3% reduction in body mass and a rehydration period of 1 hour when consuming 100% of their body weight loss.

Força, tempo de reação e precisão em diferentes golpes do kung fu

Resultados interessantes no resumo.

Force, reaction time, and precision of Kung Fu strikes.
Neto OP, Bolander R, Pacheco MT, Bir C.
Department of Health & Kinesiology, Texas A&M University, USA.
Percept Mot Skills. 2009 Aug;109(1):295-303

The goal was to compare values of force, precision, and reaction time of several martial arts punches and palm strikes performed by advanced and intermediate Kung Fu practitioners, both men and women. 13 Kung Fu practitioners, 10 men and three women, participated. Only the men, three advanced and seven intermediate, were considered for comparisons between levels. Reaction time values were obtained using two high speed cameras that recorded each strike at 2500 Hz. Force of impact was measured by a load cell. For comparisons of groups, force data were normalized by participant's body mass and height. Precision of the strikes was determined by a high speed pressure sensor. The results show that palm strikes were stronger than punches. Women in the study presented, on average, lower values of reaction time and force but higher values of precision than men. Advanced participants presented higher forces than intermediate participants. Significant negative correlations between the values of force and precision and the values of force and reaction time were also found.

Uso de artes marciais como meio de intervenção para saúde mental de crianças

Artigo recente evidencia benefícios da prática de artes marciais na saúde mental de crianças, mas também mostra grande percentual de evasão dos praticantes (vide p. 15 do artigo; link abaixo). O artigo também cita artigos lidando com a relação arte marcial-violência-agressividade que parecem ser interessantes.

Martial arts as a mental health intervention for children? Evidence from the ECLS-K.
Strayhorn JM, Strayhorn JC.
Child Adolesc Psychiatry Ment Health. 2009 Oct 14;3(1):32. [Epub ahead of print]

ABSTRACT: BACKGROUND: Martial arts studios for children market their services as providing mental health outcomes such as self-esteem, self-confidence, concentration, and self-discipline. It appears that many parents enroll their children in martial arts in hopes of obtaining such outcomes. The current study used the data from the Early Childhood Longitudinal Study, Kindergarten class of 1998-1999, to assess the effects of martial arts upon such outcomes as rated by classroom teachers. METHODS: The Early Childhood Longitudinal Study used a multistage probability sampling design to gather a sample representative of U.S. children attending kindergarten beginning 1998. We made use of data collected in the kindergarten, 3rd grade, and 5th grade years. Classroom behavior was measured by a rating scale completed by teachers; participation in martial arts was assessed as part of a parent interview. The four possible combinations of participation and nonparticipation in martial arts at time 1 and time 2 for each analysis were coded into three dichotomous variables; the set of three variables constituted the measure of participation studied through regression. Multiple regression was used to estimate the association between martial arts participation and change in classroom behavior from one measurement occasion to the next. The change from kindergarten to third grade was studied as a function of martial arts participation, and the analysis was replicated studying behavior change from third grade to fifth grade. Cohen's f;2 effect sizes were derived from these regressions. RESULTS: The martial arts variable failed to show a statistically significant effect on behavior, in either of the regression analyses; in fact, the f;2 effect size for martial arts was 0.000 for both analyses. The 95% confidence intervals for regression coefficients for martial arts variables have upper and lower bounds that are all close to zero. The analyses not only fail to reject the null hypothesis, but also render unlikely a population effect size that differs greatly from zero. CONCLUSIONS: The data from the ECLS-K fail to support enrolling children in martial arts to improve mental health outcomes as measured by classroom teachers.
Link para o artigo completo

quinta-feira, 15 de outubro de 2009

quarta-feira, 14 de outubro de 2009

Estratégias para aumentar a presença de público em torneio de wrestling

Team segmentation at the Big Ten Wrestling Championships
Coyte Cooper
School of Physical Education, West Virginia University, Morgantown, West Virginia, USA

Team Performance Management Vol. 15 No. 3/4, 2009 pp. 117-127
Purpose – The purpose of the research is to identify strategies to maximize fan attendance at the Big Ten Wrestling Championships through the creation of segmented markets based on consumers’ team affiliation.
Design/methodology/approach – The research utilized a survey methodology to examine the motives for attendance at the Big Ten Wrestling Championships. The surveys were distributed at each of the three sessions in order to obtain a representative sample (n ¼ 140).
Findings – The results of the study demonstrated that fans responded most favorably to sport-related motives. Additionally, the data also revealed that fans had varying motives for attendance based on their team affiliation.
Research limitations/implications – The ability to segment markets based on team affiliation allows sport managers to create effective promotional strategies to maximize attendance at future conference tournaments.
Originality/value – The results allow the Big Ten Conference to create positive team relationships with media outlets and member institutions in an effort to maximize the fan interest in ther college wrestling product.

Enfaixamento do tornozelo e desempenho de atletas de taekwondo em testes motores

The effect of ankle taping on isokinetic strength and vertical jumping performance in elite taekwondo athletes
Isokinetics and Exercise Science
Ahmet Sanioglu1, Soner Ergun1, Nurtekin Erkmen1, Halil Taskin1, A. Salim Goktepe2, Turgut Kaplan1
1Department of Physical Education and Sport, Selcuk University, Konya, Turkey2Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, Gulhane Military Medical Academy, Ankara, Turkey
The aim of the study is to examine the effect of ankle taping on ankle plantarflexion (PF) and dorsiflexion (DF) isokinetic strength and vertical jump height in elite taekwondo athletes. Seven women and 9 men taekwondo athletes forming the Turkish National Taekwondo Team participated in this study. A closed basket weave taping technique was applied to the dominant and non-dominant ankle. Tests were performed both in un-taped and taped conditions. Peak torques values at 60 and 180°/s were nonsignificantly lower in the taped condition (p > 0.05). Ankle taping resulted also is a significant reduction in jump height (p <>

Estudo sobre demanda de mercado de escolas de taekwondo

Dimensions of Market Demand Associated with Taekwondo Schools inNorth America: Development of a Scale
Min Kil Kim *, James J. Zhang, Yong Jae Ko
University of Florida, United States
Sport Management Review 12 (2009) 149–166

Since the introduction of martial arts in the United States, the sport of Taekwondo (TKD) has rapidly grown and developed. Although the elevated interest in this sport has increased the magnitude of the TKD market, no systematic studies have been conducted to investigate the market demand variables associated with TKD schools in North America. To a great extent, lack of study has been due to the unavailability of a viable measure. The purpose of this study was to identify the dimensions of market demand for TKD schools and develop the Scale of Market Demand Associated with Taekwondo School (SMD-TKD). Research participants (N = 205) were TKD school members who were 18 years and older from 22 TKD schools in major cities of Florida. A factor analysis using principal component extraction and varimax rotation produced six factors with 51 items returned (i.e., Personal Benefits, School Operation, Instruction Quality, Program Offering, Locker Room, and Cultural Learning). Multiples regression analysis revealed that all market demand factors, except for Program Offering and Cultural Learning, were positively (p < .05) predictive of TKD consumption, suggesting that the SMD-TKD is useful for marketing studies on TKD consumers.

sábado, 10 de outubro de 2009

Judô e plasticidade cerebral

Aproveitando a visita do Wantuir Jacini ao nosso grupo, recomendo a reportagem do Globo Reporter:

e o resumo do artigo:
Can exercise shape your brain? Cortical differences associated with judo practice.
J Sci Med Sport. 2009 Jan 13. [Epub ahead of print]
Jacini WF, Cannonieri GC, Fernandes PT, Bonilha L, Cendes F, Li LM.
Laboratory of Neuroimaging, Faculty of Medical Sciences of State University of Campinas (UNICAMP), Brazil.

Experimental animal studies have shown that physical exercise, associated with planning and execution of complex movements, are related to changes in brain structure. In humans, changes in cortical tissue density in relation to physical activity are yet to be fully determined and quantified. We investigated differences on gray matter volume in judo players by using voxel-based morphometry. Comparison between a group of eight internationally competitive judo players and a group of 18 healthy controls showed a significantly higher gray matter tissue density in brain areas of judo players.

quinta-feira, 8 de outubro de 2009

Estrategismo: tem até umas frases sobre

Vale lembrar de "A arte da Guerra", "O príncipe" e "O livro dos cinco aneis"


Para quem gosta de análise de luta e acredita que isso ultrapassa a compilação, vale a pena refletir...
Aparentemente, o "estrategismo" não funcionou em Roterdã. Pelo menos o do Brasil. O do Dr. Heinisch parece que funcionou um pouco melhor.

Livros clássicos de judô digitalizados e gratuitos

Tem até o Feldenkrais antes de se machucar no judô e inventar o método dele.

Revista da United States Judo Association

Vale a pena "folhear":

Esse não é do grupo. Alguém localiza o quadrinho?

Associações de pesquisa em Esportes de Combate

Para quem quer encontrar material sobre modalidades específicas ou fazer parte de associações de pesquisa com foco nas modalidades esportivas de combate, algumas sugestões abaixo:
(1) International Association of Judo Researchers
com resumos de diversos trabalhos sobre a modalidade:
(2) International Network of Wrestling Research
destaque para a lista anual de pesquisas realizadas sobre a modalidade. Aqui vocês encontram uma lista de trabalhos publicados em 2009:
(3) Taekwondo Interest Group
Acabo de receber uma mensagem do Dr. Willy Pieter (certamente pesquisador com maior e melhor produção sobre TKD no mundo) sobre a criação desse grupo de interesse.
Confiram os detalhes abaixo:
Taekwondo Interest Group
Following the formation of the International Association of Judo Researchers in 2006, the ACSM Combat Sports Interest Group in 2007 and the International Network of Wrestling Researchers earlier this year, we would like to propose a Taekwondo Interest Group. We believe that such an organization can provide much-needed scientific support to our sport. It will also enable us to collaborate and advance knowledge in a more streamlined manner than would otherwise be achievable. Similar to other scientific organizations, we anticipate a regular international scientific meeting that brings together a larger group than was hitherto possible. For instance, at one point in time, one of us (WP) was invited to be a speaker at three different international scientific meetings that all claimed to be the first international taekwondo conference or symposium.

A specialized interest group will also make it possible to create a database of taekwondo-related research publications for open access. As we have all experienced in one way or another, there is currently limited access to places where we can search for scientific or scholarly articles on taekwondo. The continuation of this resource would be a plus for the development and expansion of taekwondo around the world. It would also be a valuable resource providing important, practical information to teachers, coaches, referees, officials, athletes, and administrators.

The aims of the Taekwondo Interest Group are to facilitate the development of taekwondo through international cooperation and to support taekwondo-related research and education.

Proposed Objectives are to
♦Identify taekwondo researchers and scientists around the world.
♦Create opportunities for researchers to connect and share ideas through a communication
♦Improve the availability of research-related sources.
♦Encourage and support taekwondo-related educational activities.
♦Support and facilitate taekwondo teaching and coaching methods.
♦Work collaboratively and explore partnerships with other organizations and programs that
may benefit from the intellectual resources of the Taekwondo Interest Group.
♦Encourage and support taekwondo-related activities between students and researchers.

Interested individuals are requested to complete an application form containing contact details and research interests (see below). We are sharing this proposal with our network of contacts throughout the world and hope that they, in turn, will share it with their colleagues and other appropriate scholars.

Membership is open to those who have a major qualification in an academic discipline and who show evidence of interest in taekwondo-related research. Undergraduate and graduate students who are studying or carrying out research in the area of taekwondo are also encouraged to register.

Please complete the following information request and return to us.

Mailing address:
Current areas of interest:
Completed taekwondo research:
(If possible attach your picture)

Please share this with colleagues who should be on our mailing List!

Willy Pieter
Current areas of interest:
Multi-factorial modeling of taekwondo performance
Epidemiology and multi-dimensional modeling of taekwondo injuries

Craig Bridge
Current areas of interest:
- Physiological and hormone responses of taekwondo training and competition
- Time-motion analysis of taekwondo
- Development of taekwondo -specific testing protocols

quarta-feira, 7 de outubro de 2009

Mestrado e Doutorado com projetos na área de lutas, artes marciais e modalidades esportivas de combate

Atualmente, um dos principais focos do nosso grupo de estudos e pesquisas é preparar as pessoas para o ingresso no mestrado ou doutorado.
Por enquanto e talvez por um longo período sou o único a orientar especificamente com essa temática no programa aqui da EEFE-USP. Contudo, o número de vagas é limitado: seis por orientador. É exatamente esse o número de orientandos que tenho no momento. Até o início do próximo ano uma dessas pessoas (Bianca Miarka) termina o mestrado e deve ingressar no doutorado. Os demais devem terminar até o final de 2010. Portanto, novos ingressantes apenas para o início de 2011.
Quais os critérios para ingresso?
Além dos critérios oficiais do programa de pós-graduação da EEFE (, tenho como condição, que a pessoa já tenha realizado alguma produção junto ao grupo. O(a) candidato(a) com melhor produção terá prioridade quanto ao ingresso.
A ideia básica é estabelecer o mérito como principal aspecto para o ingresso, bem como seguir o que meu companheiro de sala (Luiz Dantas) tem afirmado constantemente: "A pessoa não entra no mestrado para começar a fazer pesquisa, mas por realizar pesquisa é que a pessoa tem a possibilidade de fazer o mestrado".
Adicionalmente, durante o processo de elaboração desses trabalhos prévios, é possível para os dois lados interessados (orientador e orientando) verificar se existe compatibilidade para realização de trabalhos em conjunto.

Artigo sobre ensino médico no Brasil

No título, substitua por "Preparação profissional em Educação Física" e ao final do texto, substitua o termo hospital por academia/clube ou médico por profissional de educação física e o resultado é muito parecido.
Para pensar...

terça-feira, 6 de outubro de 2009

Lutadores infantis crescem basicamente da mesma forma que crianças da mesma faixa etária, mas tendem a apresentar menores valores de dobras cutâneas

Age-Related Patterns of Anthropometric Characteristics in Young Wrestlers
Age-Related Patterns of Anthropometric Characteristics in Young Wrestlers. Med. Sci. Sports Exerc., Vol. 41, No. 5, pp. 1014-1019, 2009. Purpose: The purpose of the present study was to compare the age-related patterns of anthropometric characteristics in young wrestlers (8-13 yr) to those of a national representative sample of boys the same age. Methods: Two hundred and fifty-three young wrestlers (Xage ±- SD, 11.1 ± 1.6 yr; height (HT), 145.5 + 11.4 cm; body weight (BW), 40.7 + 10.9 kg) volunteered as subjects in the present study. The sample of young wrestlers was divided into six independent age groups: age group 8 (AG8), 8.00-8.99 yr (n = 27); AG9, 9.00-9.99 yr (n = 43); AGIO, 10.00-10.99 yr (n = 50); AGI 1, 11.00-11.99 yr (n = 45); AG12, 12.00-12.99 yr (n = 56); and AG13, 13.00-13.99 yr (n = 32). Nine variables including BW, HT, body mass index (BMI), subscapular and triceps skinfolds, waist, midarm, maximal calf, and midthigh circumferences were assessed on each subject. Results: The results showed that there was only one (midthigh circumference) difference between the young wrestlers and the national sample for yearly changes in the anthropometric dimensions. Discussion: These findings indicated that participation in age group wrestling was not associated with age-related patterns of anthropometric characteristics that were different from those of a national representative sample of boys the same age.

Mudança de regra para controle de peso afeta procedimentos de perda de peso em atletas de luta do ensino médio

International Journal of Sport Nutrition and Exercise Metabolism, 2009, 19, 424-432
© 2009 Human Kinetics, Inc.
Changes in Body Weight, Body Composition, and Eating Attitudes in High School Wrestlers
Lenka Humenikova Shriver, Nancy Mulhollen Betts, and Mark Edward Payton

Background: Many wrestlers engage in chronic dieting and rapid “weight cutting” throughout the year to compete in a category below their natural weight. Such weightmanagement practices have a negative influence on their health and nutritional status, so the National Wrestling Coaches Association implemented a new weight-management program for high school wrestlers in 2006. Purpose: The purpose of this study was to determine whether seasonal changes in weight, body fat, and eating attitudes occur among high school wrestlers after the implementation of the new weight-management rule. Methods: Fifteen high school wrestlers participated in the study. Their weight, body composition, and eating attitudes were measured preseason, in-season, and off-season. Body fat was assessed using dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry. Attitudes toward dieting, food, and body weight were assessed using the Eating Attitude Test (EAT). Results: No significant changes in body fat were detected from preseason to off-season. Weight increased from preseason to in-season (p < .05) and off-season (p < .05). Although the EAT score did not change significantly from preseason to offseason, 60% reported “thinking about burning up calories when exercising” during preseason, and only 40% felt that way during the season (p < .05) and 47% during off-season (p < .05). Conclusions: The wrestlers experienced a significant weight gain from preseason to off-season with no significant changes in body fat. Their eating attitudes did not change significantly from preseason to off-season in this study, but further research using a large sample of high school wrestlers is warranted to confirm these findings.

sexta-feira, 2 de outubro de 2009

Exercícios na borracha by Elton Fiebig

Creio que todos do judô conheçam o Elton. Aqui vocês podem acompanhá-lo demonstrando exercícios de condicionamento físico na borracha.

Embora não tenha conhecimento de estudos sobre esse treinamento no judô, resultados de outros estudos apontam para benefício na velocidade de execução. O resumo abaixo mostra resultados positivos na velocidade do chute no taekwondo.

The feasibility and efficacy of elastic resistance training for improving the velocity of the Olympic Taekwondo turning kick.
J Strength Cond Res. 2008 Jul;22(4):1194-7.
Jakubiak N, Saunders DH.
Strength and Conditioning Coach of The Central Taekwondo Academy, Falkirk, UK.
In the Olympic sport of Taekwondo (TKD), elastic resistance training (ERT) is often used with the aim of improving kicking performance; however, the efficacy of this has never been examined experimentally. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of a TKD-specific, progressive ERT protocol on the velocity of the TKD turning kick. Twelve TKD athletes were randomly allocated to receive either a 4-week intervention of ERT plus usual TKD training (n = 6) or to a control group receiving 4 weeks of usual TKD training only. Kicking velocity from initiation to impact on a target was measured pre- and postintervention using a digital timer and two pressure switches. Kicking velocity improved significantly (by 7%) in the ERT group, whereas there was no improvement in the control group (p < 0.05). These data suggest that ERT is a feasible means of sport-specific resistance training for TKD and that TKD performance could benefit from an improved velocity of the attacking turning kick.

Desenvolvimento, validação e reprodutibilidade de questionário sobre perda de peso

Já está disponível um dos artigos que é resultado do mestrado do Guilherme Artioli. Nesse artigo, mostramos o processo de desenvolvimento, validação e a reprodutibilidade de questionário sobre práticas de perda de peso para atletas de judô. Um aspecto importante desse trabalho é o estabelecimento de um sistema de pontuação para quantificar a gravidade e severidade do processo de perda de peso em atletas de judô.
Outros artigos liderados pelo Guilherme virão. O próximo a sair deve ser um sobre a prevalência, métodos e magnitude da perda de peso em atletas de judô.

Development, validity and reliability of a questionnaire designed to evaluate rapid weight loss patterns in judo players.
Scand J Med Sci Sports. 2009 Sep 28. [Epub ahead of print]
Artioli G, Scagliusi F, Kashiwagura D, Franchini E, Gualano B, Junior AL.
Combat Sports and Martial Arts Research Group, Laboratory of Applied Nutrition, School of Physical Education and Sport, University of Sao Paulo, Av. Professor Mello Moraes, Cidade Universitaria, Sao Paulo - SP, Brazil.
The aim of this study was to develop a questionnaire to evaluate rapid weight loss patterns of competitive judo players and to assess its validity and reliability. We evaluated the reliability (n=94), content validity (evaluation by 10 experts), discriminant validity (differences in scores between athletes with body weight below and above their weight class; n=100) and convergent validity (correlation with Restraint Scale; n=60). No item was considered unclear or ambiguous by more than 20% of the experts. The intraclass Coefficient Correlation was above 0.90 for all questions whose answers were parametric (P<0.001; n="94)" n="94">80%; Spearman's Correlation between the Restraint Scale and the Rapid Weight Loss Questionnaire was 0.62 (P<0.001; n=60). Athletes below their weight class (n=50) had a significantly lower score compared with athletes above the weight class (n=50; P<0.001 - Mann-Whitney U test). In conclusion, the questionnaire showed good validity and reliability and could be used accurately to assess weight loss patterns of judo players.

Stress e coping em competição para jovens

Artigo interessante, incluindo atletas de judô, sobre fatores de estresse e estratégias para contorná-lo em atletas jovens participando de festival preparatório para os Jogos Olímpicos para jovens (a ser realizado no próximo ano). Embora não haja distinção do grupo de judocas em relação aos demais atletas, algumas providências sugeridas podem auxiliar treinadores e chefes de delegação a diminuir o estresse dos atletas.

Young elite athletes and social support: coping with competitive and organizational stress in "Olympic" competition.
Scand J Med Sci Sports. 2009 Sep 28. [Epub ahead of print]
Kristiansen E, Roberts GC.
Norwegian School of Sport Sciences, Oslo, Norway.
Elite adolescent sport is a relatively unexplored research field. The purpose of this investigation was to examine how the Norwegian Olympic Youth Team (N=29) experienced competitive and organizational stress during the European Youth Olympic Festival in July 2007 and how they coped with the stressors. Participants were aged 14-17 and competed in handball, track and field, swimming, and judo. We used a qualitative methodology with interviews and open-ended questionnaires. Qualitative content analyses revealed that the athletes experienced competitive stressors because of the size and importance of the competition, and organizational stressors (e.g., housing, lining up for food, and transportation) exacerbated by the extreme heat during the Festival. The elite competitive experience was novel to all and overwhelming for some of the more "inexperienced" athletes. The athletes used cognitive coping strategies to some extent in addition to relying on different types of social support. The findings revealed the need for social support for adolescent athletes, and underlined the importance of a good coach-athlete relationship in order to perform well and enjoy the competitive experience.

quinta-feira, 1 de outubro de 2009

Avaliação de atletas de wrestling

A página de David Curby (abaixo) mostra testes utilizados para avaliação dos atletas de wrestling. Boa descrição dos testes, com vídeos de algumas avaliações. Destaque para a Gut Wrench Machine, que realiza avaliação da força em posição específica da luta, para o teste intermitente em cicloergômetro para membros superiores e para o teste de hang clean com a massa corporal do atleta como carga.

Boletim O-soto-gari discute o uso da corrida na preparação de atletas de judô

Texto do nosso colega Marcos Antonio Lopes traz discussão sobre o uso das corridas.
Para quem viu os vídeos da seleção japonesa, cujos links foram adicionados recentemente, pôde perceber que a corrida ainda é bastante utilizada na preparação dos atletas de judô. Essa é uma discussão importante e interessante.