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São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil
Professor da EEFE-USP; Praticante e Pesquisador de Judô; Preparador físico de atletas de modalidades esportivas de combate.

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quarta-feira, 22 de fevereiro de 2012

Teste aeróbio específico para o karate

J Strength Cond Res. 2012 Feb 15. [Epub ahead of print]

Reliability and construct validity of the karate specific aerobic test (KSAT).

Chaabène H, Hachana Y, Franchini E, Mkaouer B, Montassar M, Chamari K.

1Research Unit, Analysis and Evaluation of factors affecting the sport performance, Higher Institute of Sports and Physical Education, Ksar said, Tunisia; 2Tunisian Research Laboratory 'Sport Performance Optimisation', National Centre of Medicine and Science in Sport, Tunisia; 3 Higher Institute of Sports and Physical Education, Manouba University, Tunis, Tunisia; 4Martial Arts and Combat Sports Research Group, School of Physical Education and Sport, University of Sao Paulo, Sao Paulo, Brazil.


The aim of this study was to examine absolute and relative reliability and external responsiveness of the Karate specific aerobic test (KSAT). This study comprised 43 male karatekas, 19 of them participated in the first study to establish test-retest reliability and 40, selected on the bases of their karate experience and level of practice, participated in the second study to identify external responsiveness of the KSAT. The latter group was divided into two categories: national level group (Gn) and regional level group (Gr). Analysis showed excellent test-retest reliability of time to exhaustion (TE), with intraclass correlation coefficient ICC(3,1) >0.90, standard error of measurement SEM <5%: (3.2%) and mean difference (bias) ± the 95% limits of agreement: -9.5±78.8 s. There was a significant difference between test-retest session in peak lactate concentration (Peak [La]) (9.12±2.59 mmol.l vs 8.05±2.67 mmol.l; p<0.05), but not in peak heart rate (HRpeak) and rating of perceived exertion (RPE) (196±9 bpm vs 194±9 bpm and 7.6±0.93 vs 7.8±1.15; p>0.05), respectively. National level karate athletes (1032±101-s) were better than regional level (841±134-s) on time to exhaustion (TE) performance during KSAT (p<0.001). Thus, KSAT provided good external responsiveness. The area under the receiver operator characteristics (ROC) curve was >0.70 (0.86; CI 95%: 0.72-0.95). Significant difference was detected on Peak [La] between national (6.09±1.78mmol.l) and regional level (8.48±2.63mmol.l) groups, but not in HRpeak (194±8 bpm vs 195±8 bpm) and RPE (7.57±1.15 vs 7.42±1.1) respectively. The result of this study indicates that KSAT provides excellent absolute and relative reliabilities. The KSAT can effectively distinguish karate athletes of different competitive levels. Thus, the KSAT may be suitable for field assessment of aerobic fitness of karate practitioners.

sexta-feira, 17 de fevereiro de 2012

International Journal of Wrestling Science

Destaque para a lista das publicações envolvendo wrestling em 2011 (o autor publica essas listas desde 2005; para quem não tem tempo para buscar, já está tudo selecionado):


quinta-feira, 16 de fevereiro de 2012

Vai sair na edição de março do International Journal of Sports Nutrition and Exercise Metabolism

Methods of Body Mass Reduction by Combat Sports’ Athletes

Authors: Ciro José Brito1, 4, Aendria Fernanda Castro Martins Roas2, Igor Surian Souza Brito3, João Carlos Bouzas Marins3, Claudio Córdova4, and Emerson Franchini5
Affiliations: 1Federal University of Sergipe. 2Izabela Hendrix Methodist University. 3Federal University of Viçosa. 4Brasilia Catholic University.5University of São Paulo.
Acceptance Date: November 27, 2011
The aim of this study was to investigate the methods adopted to reduce body mass (BM) in competitive athletes from the grappling (judo, jiu-jitsu) and striker (karate and taekwondo) combat sports’ athletes in the State of Minas Gerais Brazil. An exploratory methodology was employed through descriptive research, using a standardized questionnaire with objective questions self-administered to 580 athletes (25.0±3.7 yrs, 74.5±9.7 kg and 16.4±5.1% of body fat). Regardless of the sport, 60% of the athletes reported using a method of rapid weight loss (RWL) through increased energy expenditure. Strikers tend to begin reducing BM during adolescence. Furthermore, 50% of the samples used saunas and plastic clothing, and only 26.1% received advice from a nutritionist. We conclude that a high percentage of athletes use RWL methods. In addition, a high percentage of athletes use unapproved or prohibited methods, such as diuretics, saunas and plastic clothing. The age at which combat sports’ athletes reduce BM for the first time is also worry, especially among strikers.
Keywords: martial arts, weight loss, athletic performance, diuretics.

quarta-feira, 15 de fevereiro de 2012

Efeitos do período competitivo sobre variáveis fisiológicas e mentais

J Sports Med Phys Fitness. 2012 Feb;52(1):1-10.

Effects of 7-weeks competitive training period on physiological and mental condition of top level judoists.


Faculty of Health and Sport Science, Department of Physiotherapy and Nursing, University of Zaragoza, Huesca, Spain2 Extremeña Federation of Judo and DD.AA, Badajoz, Spain3 Faculty of Health Science, University of Granada Granada, Spain4 Institute of Biomedicine (IBIOMED), University of León, León, Spain5 Faculty of Education, University of Jaén, Jaén, Spain -



We examined hormonal and haematological parameters and the profile of mood states (POMS) in top level judoists undertaking a 7-week competitive training period in a real contest.


Participants were 10 top level judoists belonging to the Spanish National Team. Training load was calculated by multiplying the training session intensity by the duration of the training session. The judoists competed in two official events on weeks 3 and 6 of the study.


Urinary catecholamines increased at the end of the competitive period. Serum cortisol increased during the weeks in which judoists competed, confirming the existence of and anticipatory cortisol response to exercise; although we failed to find serum testosterone increases. Because of leukocyte values did not change, except monocytes, we speculate that the intensity of training was not sufficiently high to evoke injury to muscle tissue. Anger, tension, and fatigue increased according with training load, suggesting that the training exercise led participants into a negative psychological state.


Findings indicate that during competitive periods, judoists suffer hormonal and mood changes according to training load and competitive events. Results support the usefulness of monitoring biological and psychological markers during season in order to adjust training loads and periods of recovery.

sexta-feira, 10 de fevereiro de 2012

Cronograma de reuniões no primeiro semestre de 2012

Cronograma de reuniões do Grupo de Estudos e Pesquisas em Lutas, Artes Marciais e Modalidades Esportivas de Combate, primeiro semestre de 2012

Sala 59 da EEFE-USP (13:30-15:10)
Reuniões abertas
Tema e referências
Pesquisa em Lutas, Artes Marciais e Modalidades Esportivas de Combate
Referência básica: 
Franchini, E., Vecchio, F. B. Estudos em Modalidades Esportivas de Combate: estado da arte. Revista Brasileira de Educação Física e Esporte (edição especial), v.25, p.67 - 81, 2011.
Emerson Franchini
Despedida do Prof. Dr. Michel Calmet do Brasil
Treinamento intermitente de alta intensidade em modalidades esportivas de combate
Farzad, B. et al. Physiological and performance changes from the addition of a sprint interval program to wrestling training. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, v.25, p.2392-2399, 2011.
Kim, K.C. Effects of sprint interval training on elite judoists. International Journal of Sports Medicine, v. 32, p.929-34, 2011.
Ravier, G. et al. Impressive anaerobic adaptations in elite karate athletes due to few intensive intermittent sessions added to regular karate training. Scandinavian Journal of Medicine and Science in Sports, v.19, n.5, p.687-94, 2009.
Ursula Ferreira Julio

Ensaio Qualificação de Leonardo Vidal. Tema: respostas fisiológicas no Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu
Referência básica:
Barbas I. et al. Physiological and performance adaptations of elite Greco-Roman wrestlers during a one-day tournament. European Journal of Applied Physiology, v.111, n.7, p.1421-1436, 2011. 
Leonardo Vidal Andreato

Resultados do trabalho de iniciação científica
Referência básica:
Haddad M, Chaouachi A, Castagna C, Wong DP, Behm DG, Chamari K. The Construct Validity of Session-RPE during an Intensive Camp in Young Male Taekwondo Athletes. International Journal of Sports Physiology and Performance, v.6, n.2, p.252-263, 2011.
Paula Avakian
MMA: analisando o fenômeno
Referências básicas:
Bottenburg MA. De-sportization of fighting contests - The Origins and Dynamics of No Holds Barred Events and the Theory of Sportization. International Review for Sociology of Sport, v. 41, n.3–4, p.259–282, 2006.
García RS, Malcolm D. Decivilizing, civilizing or informalizing? The international development of Mixed Martial Arts. International Review for Sociology of Sport, v. 45, n.1, p.39–58, 2010.
Bottenburg MA. Informalization or desportization of fighting contests? A rejoinder to Raúl Sánchez García and Dominic Malcolm. International Review for Sociology of Sport, v. 46, n.1, p.125–127, 2010.
Ursula Julio e Leonardo Vidal Andreato
Potencialização pós-ativação nas modalidades esportivas de combate: revisão de estudos e perspectivas
Referências básicas:
Miarka B, Del Vecchio FB, Franchini, E. Acute Effects and Postactivation Potentiation in the Special Judo Fitness Test. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, v.25, p.427 - 431, 2011.
Tsolakis C,   Bogdanis GC, Nikolaou A,  Zacharogiannis E. Influence of type of muscle contraction and gender on postactivation potentiation of upper and lower limb explosive performance in elite fencers. Journal of Sports Science and Medicine, v.10, 577-583, 2011.
Ferreira SLA, Panissa V, Miarka B, Franchini E. Postactivation potentiation: effect of various recovery intervals on bench press power performance. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, e-ahead of print, 2012.
Jonatas Ferreira da Silva Santos
Lutas na Educação Física Escolar: o que professores envolvidos pensam sobre a temática
Luiz Dantas
Ensaio para a qualificação de Bianca Miarka
Referências básicas: 
Miarka, B., Hayashida, C.R., Julio, U. F., Calmet, M., Franchini, E. Objectivity of FRAMI-Software for Judo Match Analysis. International Journal of Performance Analysis in Sport, v.11, p.254 - 266, 2011.
Calmet, M., Miarka, B., Franchini, E. Modeling approaches of grasps in judo competition contests. International Journal of Performance Analysis in Sport, v.10, p.229 - 240, 2010.
Miarka, B., Julio, U. F., Vecchio, F. B., Calmet, M., Franchini, E. Técnica y táctica en judo: una revisión. Revista de Artes Marciales Asiáticas, v.5, p.91 - 112, 2010.
Bianca Miarka

Livro novo

quinta-feira, 9 de fevereiro de 2012

Luvas e protetor de cabeça no boxe e no MMA e seus efeitos sobre o impacto

J Neurosurg. 2012 Feb 7. [Epub ahead of print]

Boxing and mixed martial arts: preliminary traumatic neuromechanical injury risk analyses from laboratory impact dosage data.

Bartsch AJ, Benzel EC, Miele VJ, Morr DR, Prakash V.

Spine Research Laboratory and.


Object In spite of ample literature pointing to rotational and combined impact dosage being key contributors to head and neck injury, boxing and mixed martial arts (MMA) padding is still designed to primarily reduce cranium linear acceleration. The objects of this study were to quantify preliminary linear and rotational head impact dosage for selected boxing and MMA padding in response to hook punches; compute theoretical skull, brain, and neck injury risk metrics; and statistically compare the protective effect of various glove and head padding conditions. Methods An instrumented Hybrid III 50th percentile anthropomorphic test device (ATD) was struck in 54 pendulum impacts replicating hook punches at low (27-29 J) and high (54-58 J) energy. Five padding combinations were examined: unpadded (control), MMA glove-unpadded head, boxing glove-unpadded head, unpadded pendulum-boxing headgear, and boxing glove-boxing headgear. A total of 17 injury risk parameters were measured or calculated. Results All padding conditions reduced linear impact dosage. Other parameters significantly decreased, significantly increased, or were unaffected depending on padding condition. Of real-world conditions (MMA glove-bare head, boxing glove-bare head, and boxing glove-headgear), the boxing glove-headgear condition showed the most meaningful reduction in most of the parameters. In equivalent impacts, the MMA glove-bare head condition induced higher rotational dosage than the boxing glove-bare head condition. Finite element analysis indicated a risk of brain strain injury in spite of significant reduction of linear impact dosage. Conclusions In the replicated hook punch impacts, all padding conditions reduced linear but not rotational impact dosage. Head and neck dosage theoretically accumulates fastest in MMA and boxing bouts without use of protective headgear. The boxing glove-headgear condition provided the best overall reduction in impact dosage. More work is needed to develop improved protective padding to minimize linear and rotational impact dosage and develop next-generation standards for head and neck injury risk.

quarta-feira, 8 de fevereiro de 2012

Um dos resultados da dissertação de mestrado da Daniele Detanico

Original article
Relationship of aerobic and neuromuscular indexes with specific actions in judo

Volume 27, Issue 1 Pages 16-22

Relation entre paramètres aérobies et neuromusculaires et actions spécifiques au judo

D. Detanicoa, , , J. Dal Pupoa, E. Franchinib, S. Giovana dos Santosa

a Biomechanics Laboratory, Federal University of Santa Catarina, Santa Catarina, Brazil

b School of Physical Education and Sport, University of São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil

Received 14 June 2010. Accepted 28 January 2011. Available online 9 March 2011., How to Cite or Link Using DOIPermissions & Reprints


The aim of this study was to verify the relationship of aerobic and neuromuscular indexes with specific situations in judo.
Eighteen male judokas took part in the study. The following assessments were performed: vertical jump (CMJ) on a force platform; Special Judo Fitness Test (SJFT) to obtain the number of throws and percentage of the maximal heart rate (%HRmax) one minute after the test; match simulation to obtain the peak blood lactate (LACmax) and the percentage of the blood lactate removal (BLR); incremental test to obtain the velocity at the anaerobic threshold (vAT) and peak velocity (PV) reached in the test.
A significant correlation was observed between the number of throws in the SJFT, the vAT (r = 0.60; P < 0.01), PV (r = 0.70; P < 0.01) and CMJ (r = 0.74; P < 0.01). A significant inverse correlation was found between the LACmax and vAT (r = −0.59; P = 0.01).
It can be concluded that the performance in the SJFT was determined by the aerobic capacity and power and the muscle power. Athletes with greater aerobic ability (vAT) presented lower blood lactate accumulation after the match.

Analyser les relations entre indices aérobies et neuromusculaires avec des actions spécifiques du judo.
Dix-huit judokas ont participé à cette étude. Ont été réalisées les évaluations suivantes : saut vertical (CMJ) ; Special Judo Fitness Test (SJFT) pour l’obtention du nombre de lancements et du pourcentage de la fréquence cardiaque maximale (%FCmax) ; simulation de match pour l’obtention du taux maximal de lactate sanguin (LACmax) et du pourcentage de la diminution de lactate (DLS) ; test incrémental pour l’obtention de la vitesse au seuil anaérobie (SA) et du sommet de la vitesse (SV) atteint dans l’essai.
Il a été observé une corrélation significative entre le nombre de lancements dans le SJFT, la VLAn (r = 0,60 ; p < 0,01), SV (r = 0,70 ; p < 0,01) et le CMJ (r = 0,74 ; p < 0,01). Il a été trouvé une corrélation significative inverse entre le LACmax et la SA (r = −0,59 ; p = 0,01).
On peut conclure que la performance dans SJFT a été déterminée par la capacité de la puissance maximale aérobie et par la puissance musculaire. Les athlètes ayant la plus grande capacité aérobie (SA) ont présenté une moindre accumulation de lactate sanguin après le match.
Aerobic fitness; Muscle power; Judo
Mots clés
Aptitude aérobie; Puissance musculaire; Judo

Paula e Diego compartilhando seus trabalhos

quinta-feira, 2 de fevereiro de 2012

"Informações" sobre lutas

Dica do Fabrício:

Se alguém encontrar de onde as pessoas tiram algumas dessas informações, por favor, me enviem porque nunca encontrei...
Já que o tema envolve artes marciais, aí vai um ditado japonês: "se você acredita em tudo que lê, é melhor parar de ler"