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São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil
Professor da EEFE-USP; Praticante e Pesquisador de Judô; Preparador físico de atletas de modalidades esportivas de combate.

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quinta-feira, 30 de agosto de 2012

Impacto nos chutes de TKD

 2012 Aug 28. [Epub ahead of print]

Effects of Olympic-style taekwondo kicks on an instrumented head-form and resultant injury measures.


Department of Physical Education, Yonsei University, Seoul, Republic of Korea.



The objective of this study was to assess the effect of taekwondo kicks and peak foot velocity (FVEL) on resultant head linear acceleration (RLA), head injury criterion (HIC15) and head velocity (HVEL).


Each subject (n=12) randomly performed five repetitions of the turning kick (TK), clench axe kick (CA), front leg axe kick, jump back kick (JB) and jump spinning hook kick (JH) at the average standing head height for competitors in their weight division. A Hybrid II Crash Test Dummy head was fitted with a protective taekwondo helmet and instrumented with a triaxial accelerometer and fixed to a height-adjustable frame. Resultant head linear acceleration, HVEL, FVEL data were captured and processed using Qualysis Track Manager.


The TK (130.11±51.67 g) produced a higher RLA than the CA (54.95±20.08 g, p<0 .001=".001" 300.19="300.19" a="a" and="and" d="1.84)" difference="difference" es="es" hic15="hic15" higher="higher" hvel="hvel" in="in" jb="jb" jh="jh" m="m" no="no" of="of" p="p" s="s" than="than" that="that" the="the" there="there" tk="tk" vs="vs" was="was">


The TK is of concern because it is the most common technique and cause of concussion in taekwondo. Future studies should aim to understand rotational accelerations of the head.

quarta-feira, 29 de agosto de 2012

Os animais também brincam de lutar

 2012 Aug 29. [Epub ahead of print]

Paternal deprivation alters play-fighting, serum corticosterone and the expression of hypothalamic vasopressin and oxytocin in juvenile male mandarin voles.


Key Laboratory of Ecology Model and Applications of State Ethnic Affairs Commission, College of Biology Sciences and Engineering, Beifang University of Nationalities, Yinchuan, 750021, Ningxia, China,


Although early paternal deprivation significantly affects offspring behavioral and neuroendocrine development, the link between paternal deprivation and social play behavior remains unclear. Mandarin voles (Microtus mandarinus) are socially monogamous and display bi-paternal care. The present study examined the development of social play in juvenile male mandarin voles and the paternal influence on play-fighting, vasopressin- and oxytocin-immunoreactive neurons and serum corticosterone and testosterone levels. The results show that social play was more pronounced during postnatal days 28-35, differing from the ontogenetic pattern of other forms of social behavior. On postnatal day 35, the peak in play-fighting activity, paternal deprivation reduced boxing/wrestling levels and vasopressin-immunoreactive neurons in the anterior hypothalamus and oxytocin-immunoreactive neurons in the paraventricular nucleus, but increased vasopressin-immunoreactive neurons in the paraventricular nucleus and corticosterone levels. These results suggest that mandarin voles engage in social play according to an inverted U-shaped curve in ontogeny, and paternal deprivation influences the development of offspring play-fighting; hypothalamic vasopressin, oxytocin and serum corticosterone may play a modulatory role in the alteration of play-fighting elicited by paternal deprivation; decreased play-fighting may correlate with depressed vasopressin levels in the anterior hypothalamus.

terça-feira, 28 de agosto de 2012

Tipo de superfície e impacto em movimento da esgrima

 2012 Aug 22. [Epub ahead of print]

Influence of Surface on Impact Shock Experienced during a Fencing Lunge.


School of Life Sciences, University of Hertfordshire, Hatfield, UK.


The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of sports surface on the magnitude of impact shock experienced during a lunge movement. Thirteen experienced, competitive fencers (age 32.4 ± 4.6 years; Height 178.4 ± 7.2 cm; Mass 74.4 ± 9.1 kg) performed ten lunges on four different surfaces: concrete with an overlaid vinyl layer (COVL); wooden sprung court surface (WSCS); metallic carpet fencing piste overlaid on the WSCS and: aluminium fencing piste overlaid on the WSCS. An accelerometer measured accelerations along the longitudinal axis of the tibia at 1000Hz. The results identified a significantly (P < 0.05) larger impact shock magnitude was experienced during a lunge on the COVL (14.88 ± 8.45g) compared to the WSCS (11.61 ± 7.30g), WSCS with metallic carpet piste (11.14 ± 6.38g) and WSCS with aluminium piste (11.95 ± 7.21g). Furthermore, the two types of piste used had no significant effect the impact shock magnitude measured when overlaid on the WSCS compared to the WSCS on its own. The results of this investigation suggest that occurrences of injuries related to increased levels of impact shock, may be reduced through the utilization of a WSCS as opposed to a COVL surface, during fencing participation.

Procurando artigos sobre estrangulamento, veja com o que me deparo : )

 2012 Aug 23. [Epub ahead of print]

Three Nonlethal Ligature Strangulations Filmed by an Autoerotic Practitioner: Comparison of Early Agonal Responses in Strangulation by Ligature, Hanging, and Manual Strangulation.


From the *Office of the Chief Medical Examiner, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada; and †Office of the Chief Medical Examiner, Jamaica, NY.


ABSTRACT: Despite great advances in forensic sciences in the last decades, our knowledge of the pathophysiology of ligature strangulation is still largely based on old writings from the 19th and beginning of the 20th century. The study of filmed hangings by the Working Group on Human Asphyxia has contributed to a better understanding of the agonal responses to strangulation by hanging, and judo-related studies have given some insight into the pathophysiology of manual strangulation, but the pathophysiology of ligature strangulation has remained largely unexplored so far. Three nonlethal strangulations filmed by an autoerotic practitioner are here presented. In these 3 ligature strangulations, the 35-year-old man is sitting on a chair. A pair of pajama pants is rolled once around his neck, with the extremities of the pants falling down on each side of his chest. The man is pulling the extremities of the pants with both hands to apply compression on his neck. After losing consciousness, he ceases to pull on the ligature, and the pants slowly loosen around the neck. A few seconds later, he regains consciousness and gets up from the chair. In the 3 nonlethal ligature strangulations presented in this study, the loss of consciousness occurred in 11 seconds. The loss of consciousness was closely followed by the onset of convulsions (7-11 seconds). These results are compared with the early agonal responses documented in filmed hangings and judo studies.

terça-feira, 21 de agosto de 2012

Essa eu queria ver se é possível...

Revisão na Sports Medicine aborda o karatê

 2012 Aug 20. doi: 10.2165/11633050-000000000-00000. [Epub ahead of print]

Physical and Physiological Profile of Elite Karate Athletes.


Research Unit, Analysis and Evaluation of Factors Affecting the Sport Performance, Higher Institute of Sports and Physical Education, Ksar Said, Tunisia.


This review focuses on the most important physical and physiological characteristics of karate athletes from the available scientific research. It has been established that karate's top-level performers require a high fitness level. Top-level male karate athletes are typified by low body fat and mesomorphic-ectomorphic somatotype characteristics. Studies dealing with body composition and somatotype of females are scarce. Aerobic capacity has been reported to play a major role in karate performance. It prevents fatigue during training and ensures the recovery processes during rest periods between two subsequent bouts of fighting activity within a fight and between two consecutive matches. It has been established that there is no significant difference between male and female kata (forms) and kumite (sparring/combat) athletes with regard to aerobic performance. Nevertheless, further studies are needed to support these findings. Concerning anaerobic performance, there is a difference in maximal power explored by the force-velocity test between national and international level karatekas (karate practitioners) but, for the maximum accumulated oxygen deficit test there is no difference between them. Muscle explosive power plays a vital role in a karateka's capacity for high-level performance. However, it has been revealed that vertical jump performance, maximal power and maximal velocity differed between national- and international-level karatekas. Moreover, it has been reported that karate performance relies more on muscle power at lower loads rather than higher ones. Thus, karate's decisive actions are essentially dependent on muscle explosive power in both the upper and lower limbs. With regard to dynamic strength, limited research has been conducted. The maximal absolute bench press, half-squat one-repetition maximum and performance of isokinetic tasks differed significantly between highly competitive and novice male karatekas. Studies on female karate athletes do not exist. Concerning flexibility, which is important for the execution of high kicks and adequate range of action at high speeds, it has been demonstrated that karate athletes' ranges of bilateral hip and knee flexion are greater compared with non-karate athletes. Finally, reaction time is a crucial element in karate because high-level performance is based essentially on explosive techniques. A significant difference in the choice reaction time between high-level and novice karatekas exists. Further research is needed concerning the physiological characteristics of female karatekas, the differences between kata and kumite athletes and variations based on weight categories.

sexta-feira, 17 de agosto de 2012

Dica de cinema

Estreiou hj o filme "Corações Sujos". Opção para quem leu ou não o livro.

Eu estou curioso para ver.

quinta-feira, 16 de agosto de 2012

Karate e desenvolvimento do pedúnculo cerebelar superior

 2012 Aug 14. [Epub ahead of print]

Individual Differences in Expert Motor Coordination Associated with White Matter Microstructure in the Cerebellum.


Centre for Neuroscience, Imperial College London, London W6 8RP, UK.


Recent investigations into the neural basis of elite sporting performance have focused on whether cortical activity might characterize individual differences in ability. However, very little is understood about how changes in brain structure might contribute to individual differences in expert motor control. We compared the behavior and brain structure of healthy controls with a group of karate black belts, an expert group who are able to perform rapid, complex movements that require years of training. Using 3D motion tracking, we investigated whether the ability to control ballistic arm movements was associated with differences in white matter microstructure. We found that karate experts are better able than novices to coordinate the timing of inter-segmental joint velocities. Diffusion tensor imaging revealed significant differences between the groups in the microstructure of white matter in the superior cerebellar peduncles (SCPs) and primary motor cortex-brain regions that are critical to the voluntary control of movement. Motor coordination, the amount of experience, and the age at which training began were all associated with individual differences in white matter integrity in the cerebellum within the karate groups. These findings suggest a role for the white matter pathways of the SCPs in motor expertise.

quinta-feira, 9 de agosto de 2012

Cronograma da disciplina Pedagogia de Modalidades de Combate, Lutas e Artes Marciais

Lembrando que essa disciplina servirá como momento para reunião do grupo de estudos, permitindo que os participantes tenham contato com temas mais abrangentes ou sedimentem os conhecimentos já adquiridos em semestres anteriores de reuniões.

Local: Sala 56
Horário: 13:30-15:10h
Por se tratar de disciplina, não será permitido atraso ou saída antecipada, para não prejudicarmos os alunos regularmente matriculados.

Aqueles que necessitarem de certificado, deverão fazer matrícula com aluno especial ainda esta semana na secretaria de graduação. Os demais são bem vindos como ouvintes.

Em breve, todos os artigos listados, estarão em uma pasta para fotocópia ou para cópia digital.


Tema/Atividade/ Leituras mínimas para compreensão do tema para cada encontro.
Apresentação da disciplina; Lutas, Artes Marciais e Modalidades Esportivas de Combate e o profissional de Educação Física e Esporte
Back, A.; Kim, D. The future course of the Eastern martial arts. Quest, v.36, p.7-14, 1984.
Franchini, E. As modalidades de combate nos Jogos Olímpicos. In: Miguel de Moragas; Lamartine Pereira DaCosta. (Org.). Universidade e Estudos Olímpicos. Barcelona: Centre d'Estudis Olímpics, Servei de Publicacions, 2007. p. 716-724.
Vecchio, F. B.; Franchini, E. Lutas, artes marciais e esportes de combate: possibilidades, experiências e abordagens no currículo de educação física. In: Samuel de Souza Neto; Dagmar Hunger. (Org.). Formação profissional em Educação Física: estudos e pesquisas. 1 ed. Rio Claro: Biblioética, 2006, v. 1, p. 99-108.
Lutas, Artes Marciais, Modalidades Esportivas de Combate, Brigas – diferenciações e conceituações.
Gomes et al. Ensino das lutas: dos princípios condicionais aos grupos situacionais. Movimento, v. 16, n. 02, p. 207-227, 2010.
Princípios operacionais das Lutas, Artes Marciais e Modalidades Esportivas de Combate
Avelar, B; Figueiredo, A. La iniciación a los deportes de combate: interpretación
de la estructura del fenômeno lúdico luctatorio. Revista de Artes Marciales Asiáticas, v.4, n.3, p.44-57, 2009.
Regulamentação da profissão de Educação Física e a intervenção em Lutas, Artes Marciais e Modalidades Esportivas de Combate
Correia, W.R.; Franchini, E. Produção acadêmica em lutas, artes marciais e esportes de combate. Motriz, v. 16, p. 1-9, 2010.
Cremona, P.S. CREF não atua mais nas artes marciais. Combat Sport, p.30-31, 2010.
MMA: analisando o fenômeno
Bottenburg MA. De-sportization of fighting contests - The Origins and Dynamics of No Holds Barred Events and the Theory of Sportization. International Review for Sociology of Sport, v. 41, n.3–4, p.259–282, 2006.
García RS, Malcolm D. Decivilizing, civilizing or informalizing? The international development of Mixed Martial Arts. International Review for Sociology of Sport, v. 45, n.1, p.39–58, 2010.
Bottenburg MA. Informalization or desportization of fighting contests? A rejoinder to Raúl Sánchez García and Dominic Malcolm. International Review for Sociology of Sport, v. 46, n.1, p.125–127, 2010.
Processo ensino-aprendizagem de habilidades motoras típicas das Lutas, Artes Marciais e Modalidades de Combate.
Franchini, E.; Del Vecchio, F.B. Ensino de lutas: reflexões e propostas de programas. Scortecci, 2012.
Kozub, F.M.; Kozub, M.L. Teaching combative sports through tactics. Joperd, v.75, n.8, p.16-21, 2004.
Processo ensino-aprendizagem de habilidades motoras típicas das Lutas, Artes Marciais e Modalidades de Combate (tatame).
Processo ensino-aprendizagem de habilidades motoras típicas das Lutas, Artes Marciais e Modalidades de Combate (tatame).
Demanda fisiológica das Lutas, Artes Marciais e Modalidades de Combate e sua adequação a programas de condicionamento físico
Bu et al. Effects of martial arts on health status: A systematic review. Journal of Evidence-Based Medicine, v. 3, p. 205–219, 2010.
Cox, J.C. Traditional Asian martial arts training: a review. Quest, v. 45, p.366-388, 1993.
Chyu, M.C. A non-competitive martial arts exercise program for health and fitness in the general population. Journal of Human Sport & Exercise, v.5, n.3, p.430-443, 2010.
Ferrari, H.G.; Guglielmo, L.G.A. Domínios de intensidade e sobrecarga metabólica em aulas de body pump e body combat. Fitness & Performance Journal, v.5, n. 6, p. 370-375, 2006.
Schwartz, J. Aptidão física relacionada à saúde e qualidade de vida de praticantes de lutas, artes marciais e modalidades de combate da cidade de São Paulo. Dissertação (Mestrado em Educação Física) - Escola de Educação Física e Esporte da USP, 2011.
Woodward, T.W. A review of the effects of martial arts practice on health. Wisconsin Medical Journal, v.108, n.1, p. 40-43, 2009.
Lutas na Educação Física Escolar
Material da Rede oficial de ensino
Kozub, F.M.; Kozub, M.L. Teaching combative sports through tactics. Joperd, v.75, n.8, p.16-21, 2004.
Olivier, J.C. Das brigas aos jogos com regras: enfrentando a indisciplina na escola. Porto Alegre: Artes Médicas Sul, 2000.
Theeboom, M.; De Knop, P. Asian martial arts and approaches of instruction in Physical Education. European Journal of Physical Education, v. l4, n.2, p.146-161, 1999.
Winkle, J.M.; Ozmun J.C. Martial arts: an exciting addition to the Physical Education curriculum. JOPERD, v. 74, n.4, p.29-35, 2003.
Modalidades de Combate: preparação física do atleta.
Costa, P.B. et al. Warm-up, stretching, and cool-down strategies for combat sports. Strength and Conditioning Journal, Special Topics Issue – Combat Sports, p.71-79, 2011.
Franchini, E.; Del’Vecchio, F.B. Preparação física para o atleta de judô. São Paulo: Phorte, 2008.
Lehmann, G. La resistenza negli sport di combattimento. Sds - Rivista di Cultura Sportiva, anno 16, n. 38, p. 19-25, 1997.
Ratamess, N.A. Strength and conditioning for grappling sports. Strength and Conditioning Journal, Special Topics Issue – Combat Sports, p.18-24, 2011.
Santana, J.C. et al. Unconventional methods, techniques, and equipment for strength and conditioning in combat sports. Strength and Conditioning Journal, Special Topics Issue – Combat Sports, p.64-70, 2011.
Modalidades de Combate: preparação física do atleta (tatame).
Modalidades de Combate: preparação técnico-tática
Franchini, E.; Del Vecchio, F.B. Ensino de lutas: reflexões e propostas de programas. Scortecci, 2012.
Kozub, F.M.; Kozub, M.L. Teaching combative sports through tactics. Joperd, v.75, n.8, p.16-21, 2004.
Mori, S. et al. Reaction time and anticipatory skills of karate athletes. Human Movement Science, v.21, p.213-230, 2002.
Encerramento da disciplina

quarta-feira, 8 de agosto de 2012

Sobre atletas e dirigentes

Boxe amador: perfil de ações de vencedores e perdedores

 2012 Jul 31. [Epub ahead of print]

Amateur Boxing: Activity Profile of Winners and Losers.


Centre for Sport and Exercise Science, Biological Sciences, University of Essex, United Kingdom.


An activity profile of competitive 3x2min novice level amateur boxing was created based on video footage and post-bout blood [lactate] in thirty-two male boxers (mean±SD) age: 19.3±1.4years, body mass: 62.6±4.1kg. Winners landed 18±11 more punches than losers by applying more lead hand punches in round 1 (34.2±10.9 vs. 26.5±9.4), total punches to the head (121.3±10.2 vs. 96.0±9.8) and block and counter punch combinations (2.8±1.1 vs. 0.1±0.2) over all 3 rounds, and punching combinations (44.3±6.4 vs. 28.8±6.7) in rounds 1 and 3 (all p<0 .05=".05" 1.8mmol="1.8mmol" 11.8="11.8" 16="16" a="a" ability="ability" able="able" activity="activity" and="and" at="at" attacking="attacking" be="be" blood="blood" boxers="boxers" combinations.="combinations." counter-attack.="counter-attack." defensive="defensive" frequency="frequency" hand="hand" head="head" high="high" in="in" initiate="initiate" irrespective="irrespective" l-1.min-1="l-1.min-1" l-1="l-1" lactate="lactate" landing="landing" lead="lead" losing.="losing." maintain="maintain" mmol="mmol" movements="movements" must="must" of="of" or="or" p="p" particular="particular" peak="peak" post-bout="post-bout" production="production" punch="punch" punches="punches" punching="punching" rate.="rate." rate="rate" requires="requires" results="results" skilful="skilful" straight="straight" sufficient="sufficient" suggest="suggest" suggests="suggests" techniques="techniques" that="that" the="the" to="to" together="together" tolerate="tolerate" was="was" winning="winning" with="with">

segunda-feira, 6 de agosto de 2012

Status biomotor de estudantes e praticantes de karate

 2012 Jun;36(2):555-62.

Biomotor status and kinesiological education of students aged 13 to 15 years - example: karate.


University of Split, Faculty of Kinesiology, Split, Croatia.


The aim of this paper was to obtain information relevant for efficient selection in karate, based on comparison of biomotor status of male/female 7th and 8th grade students in primary school "Bijaći" from Kastel Novi and karate practitioners and non-practitioners (cadets) in Croatia. For this purpose, a sample was drawn of 352 primary school students (150 males and 152 females) and 50 karate practitioners (25 males and 25 females), all aged 13 to 15 years, and 2 morphological measures (body height and body mass) and a battery of 6 motor tests was used. A biomotor system which determines the situation efficacy in male and female karate practitioners was defined based on the comparison of test results of students from Kastela, Croatian karateka and Croatian standards, factor analysis of applied variables and discriminant analysis of those variables between karateathletes and students from Kastela. In male karate athletes, general motor efficacy in karate is based on explosive strength of jumping type, repetitive strength of the trunk and coordination, followed by flexibility, static strength of the arms, and movement frequency speed. In female karate athletes, integration of force, coordination, muscle tone regulation and speed is dominant for achieving success in karate. Female karate athletes use speed and fine muscle tone regulation in motor functioning more than male karate athletes, who use basic strength more.