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São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil
Professor da EEFE-USP; Praticante e Pesquisador de Judô; Preparador físico de atletas de modalidades esportivas de combate.

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sexta-feira, 28 de setembro de 2012

Artigos sobre L/AM/MEC na RBEFE

Lesões em lutadores participantes de training camp

 2012 May;4(3):258-60.

Emergency department usage and medical care needs of adolescent participants in a high-intensity wrestling cAMP.


University of Minnesota Medical Schoool, Minneapolis, Minnesota.



Thousands of children and adolescents attend high-intensity athletic camps each year; the rate and type of injuries sustained are unknown.


Participants in a high-intensity athletic camp would have significant, identifiable health care needs associated with injuries and illnesses.


Retrospective, observational study.


Acute medical care for camp participants was primarily provided in an academic medical center emergency department (ED). All participants treated in the ED or by a volunteer camp physician were included in the study. Medical and camp records for camp participants were reviewed and described.


In sum, 263 participants attended the high-intensity wrestling camp in 2009. Seventy-eight (30%) were treated in the ED; median age was 15.8 years. Sixteen were seen more than once, totaling 96 visits. Thirty-four percent of visits included x-ray and 25% laboratory studies. Forty-four percent were skin complaints. One patient had methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus infection; none had positive viral skin cultures. Musculoskeletal or facial trauma occurred in 37%, with 5 fractures. Injury rate was 1.9 per 1000 athlete exposures. Overall, 47% of campers sought medical care during camp; 11 (4.2%) left camp early because of illness or injury. Few wrestlers received follow-up care.


Illnesses and injuries requiring medical attention were common in this high-intensity sports camp. While many ED patients could have been treated in a clinic, 50% required ED medical resources for diagnosis or care.

Incidência, natureza e causa de fraturas e luxações em atletas de luta olímpica

 2012 May;4(3):217-21.

Incidence, nature, and causes of fractures and dislocations in olympic styles of wrestling in iran: a 1-year prospective study.


Sports Medicine Research Center, School of Medicine, Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran.



Several studies have evaluated the incidence of and risk factors for injuries among wrestlers, but there are limited data in this population. Understanding the incidence and risk factors could provide important information for educational and preventive efforts at the national and international levels.


To assess the incidence of and risk factors for fractures and dislocations among Greco-Roman and freestyle wrestlers in Iran.


Prospective cohort study.


Members of 8 randomly selected wrestling clubs in Kermanshah, Iran, were followed for 12 months. Details of their training and the occurrence of fractures and dislocations were recorded. Related data on fractures and dislocations include site of injury, previous history of injury, coach supervision, and wresting technique that led to the injury.


A total of 495 male wrestlers were included in the study. Seven fractures and 8 dislocations were reported. The incidence of fractures and dislocations was 1.1 per 10 000 athlete exposures, with a fracture rate of 0.5 and a dislocation rate of 0.6. Of the 15 fractures and dislocations, 11 occurred among freestyle wrestlers (0.8 per 10 000 athlete exposures) and 4 occurred among Greco-Roman wrestlers (0.3 per 10 000 athlete exposures). There was a positive correlation between the incidence of wrestlers' fractures and dislocations and their age (P < 0.01), years of wrestlingexperience (P < 0.01), previous history of fracture or dislocation (P < 0.01), and age of starting to wrestle (P = 0.03).


The incidence of fractures and dislocations in this study was lower than that seen in previous studies. The risk of fracture and dislocation was heightened by a wrestler's increased age and years of experience, history of previous fracture or dislocation, and younger age of starting to wrestle.

quarta-feira, 26 de setembro de 2012

Uso de suplementos nutricionais por judocas coreanos e japoneses de alto rendimento

 2012 Sep 19. [Epub ahead of print]

Dietary Supplementation of High Performance Korean and Japanese Judoists.


Sports Science Institute, Korea National Sport University, Seoul, Republic of Korea.


This research investigated the use of dietary supplement patterns and doping awareness among high-ranked Judoists from two countries. Korean (70 males and 31 females) and Japanese (37 males and 34 females) national Judo team members were divided into two groups (high and low competitive performance levels) according to their international and national rankings. Fifty-nine percent of Korean and 61% of Japanese Judoists consumed dietary supplements. Eighty-eight percent of high and 51% of low competitive performance level Korean Judoists consumed dietary supplements. Sixty-eight percent of high and 57% of low competitive performance level Japanese Judoists consumed dietary supplements. Oriental supplements (34%), vitamins (23%), and protein powder (12%) were most commonly consumed dietary supplements in Korean Judoists. Otherwise, vitamins (45%), protein powder (33%), and minerals (15%) were most commonly consumed dietary supplements in Japanese Judoists. Thirty-eight percent of Judoists from both countries had not received any proper education about anti-doping and 44% of Judoists from both countries had not received about knowledge of anti-doping legislation. There was a significant difference in education about anti-doping between high and low competitive performance levels of Korean Judoists (p < 0.001). Korean Judoists received significantly less anti-doping education than Japanese Judoists (p < 0.001). The associations for anti-doping education and knowledge of anti-doping legislation with the use of dietary supplements were 3.46 (95% CI = 1.31-9.12) and 1.63 (95% CI = 0.71-3.76), respectively. Our findings showed Judoists' use of dietary supplement from both countries was increased followed by experiencing anti-doping education.

terça-feira, 25 de setembro de 2012

Mestrado analisando o efeito de diferentes tipos de intervenção sobre o desempenho em teste específico do judô

Efeito do Ramadan no desempenho de judocas em testes específicos e não específicos

Effects of Ramadan fasting on male judokas’ performances in specific
and non-specific judo tasks
Asma Alouia,b*, Hamdi Chtouroua, Liwa Masmoudib, Anis Chaouachia,
Karim Chamaria,c and Nizar Souissia,c
aTunisian Research Laboratory ‘‘Sports Performance Optimization’’ National Center of
Medicine and Sciences in Sports (CNMSS), Tunis, Tunisia; bResearch Unit (EM2S), High
Institute of Sport and Physical Education, University of Sfax, Tunisia; cHigh Institute of Sport
and Physical Education, Ksar-Saı¨d, Manouba University, Tunisia
(Received 15 June 2012; final version received 14 August 2012)
This study aimed to examine the effects of Ramadan on judokas’ performances in specific and non-specific tasks performed in the afternoon. Twelve male black belt judokas voluntarily participated in this study. The experimental design consisted of two testing phases: the fourth week of Ramadan (FWR) and five weeks after Ramadan (AR). At each phase, the judokas performed two test sessions. During the first one, they performed the squat jump (SJ), the countermovement jump (CMJ), and then, a maximal graded cycle test to assess maximal oxygen uptake (VO2max). During the second one, the judokas carried out a specific judo test. All tests were performed in the afternoon (i.e. 16:00 h). The results showed that jump heights measured in the SJ (p < 0.05) and the CMJ (p < 0.05) were significantly lower during the FWR than AR. Likewise, VO2max (p < 0.05) and peak heart rate recorded during the specific judo test (p < 0.001) were significantly higher AR with respect to the FWR. Moreover, the number of uchi-komi performed in the specific judo test was significantly lower during the FWR compared to AR (p < 0.001). In conclusion, the results of the present study demonstrate that Ramadan leads to impairment in judokas’ physical performances during generic and specific judo tests performed in the afternoon.
Keywords: Ramadan; judo; sports performance

quarta-feira, 19 de setembro de 2012

Calendário da FIJ

Como manter uma modalidade com caráter internacional, com uma grande concentração de competições na Europa e Ásia, um pouquinho nas Américas, duas na Oceania e nenhuma na África (excetuando o continental)? Deve estar reservada uma para a África (o Grand Slam a ser confirmado)...

terça-feira, 18 de setembro de 2012

Densidade mineral óssea é maior em adolescentes praticantes de esportes de combate

 2012 Sep 11. pii: S1094-6950(12)00123-0. doi: 10.1016/j.jocd.2012.07.011. [Epub ahead of print]

Grip Strength Is a Predictor of Bone Mineral Density Among Adolescents Combat Sport Athletes.


Laboratory of Physiology and Functional Explorations, Faculty of Medicine, Sousse, Tunisia. Electronic address:


The aim of this study was firstly to investigate the correlation between bone parameters and grip strength (GS) in hands, explosive legs power (ELP), and hormonal parameters; second, to identify the most determinant variables of bone mineral density (BMD) among adolescent combat sport athletes. Fifty combat sport athletes aged 17.1±0.2yr were compared with 30 sedentary subjects matched for age, height, and pubertal stage. For all subjects, the BMD in deferent sites associated with anthropometric parameters were measured by dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry. The growth hormone (GH) and testosterone (TESTO) concentrations were tested. The GS in dominant (GSDA) and nondominant arms (GSNDA) and ELP were evaluated. All BMD measured were greater in athletes than in sedentary group (p<0 .01=".01" all="all" and="and" arms="arms" athletes="athletes" best="best" bmd="bmd" body="body" both="both" but="but" class="highlight" combat="combat" correlated="correlated" correlation="correlation" effect="effect" elp="elp" especially="especially" gh="gh" group="group" gs="gs" gsnda.="gsnda." gsnda="gsnda" has="has" height.="height." higher="higher" in="in" is="is" legs.="legs." measurements="measurements" nbsp="nbsp" of="of" only="only" osteogenic="osteogenic" p="p" practice="practice" predictor="predictor" proved="proved" sedentary="sedentary" showed="showed" significantly="significantly" sites="sites" span="span" spine="spine" sports="sports" study="study" style="border: 0px; font-size: 13px; font: inherit; margin: 0px; padding: 0px; vertical-align: baseline;" testo="testo" than="than" the="the" this="this" values="values" was="was" weight="weight" were="were" whole="whole" with="with" without="without">judo
 and karate kyokushinkai. Therefore, children and adolescent should be encouraged to participate in combat sport. Moreover, it suggested that the best model predicting BMD in different sites among adolescent combat sports athletes was the GSNDA.

quarta-feira, 12 de setembro de 2012

A criatividade humana é realmente impressionante

Um exemplo do programa que descobri hoje:

VFC em atletas de judô

Vai sair...

The Use of Heart Rate Variability in Assessing Precompetitive Stress in High-Standard Judo Athletes

J. Morales1, V. Garcia2, X. García-Massó3, P. Salvá3, R. Escobar4, B. Buscà1
  • 1Facultat de Ciències de l'Activitat Física i l'Esport Blanquerna,Universitat Ramon Llull, Barcelona, Spain
  • 2Escola universitària de la Salut i l'Esport EUSES, Universitat de Girona, Girona, Spain
  • 3Departamento de Educación Física y Deportiva, Universidad de Valencia, Valencia, Spain
  • 4Facultad de Ciencias de la Actividad Física y el Deporte, Universidad de Granada, Granada, Spain
Further Information


The objective of this study is to examine the sensitivity to and changes in heart rate variability (HRV) in stressful situations before judo competitions and to observe the differences among judo athletes according to their competitive standards in both official and unofficial competitions. 24 (10 male and 14 female) national- and international-standard athletes were evaluated. Each participant answered the Revised Competitive State Anxiety Inventory (CSAI-2R) and their HRV was recorded both during an official and unofficial competition. The MANOVA showed significant main effects of the athlete's standard and the type of competition in CSAI-2R, in HRV time domain, in HRV frequency domain and in HRV nonlinear analysis (p<0 .05=".05" 5="5" a="a" analysis="analysis" and="and" anxiety.="anxiety." anxiety="anxiety" athletes.="athletes." athletes="athletes" by="by" changes="changes" cognitive="cognitive" conclusion="conclusion" confidence="confidence" consecutive="consecutive" deviation="deviation" differ="differ" difference="difference" exponent="exponent" exponents="exponents" frequency="frequency" have="have" heart="heart" higher="higher" hrv="hrv" in="in" international-standard="international-standard" interval="interval" intervals="intervals" is="is" judo="judo" less="less" long-range="long-range" long-term="long-term" low-high="low-high" lower="lower" mean="mean" more="more" ms="ms" national-standard="national-standard" number="number" of="of" p="p" pre-competitive="pre-competitive" rate="rate" ratio="ratio" root="root" rr="rr" scaling="scaling" sensitive="sensitive" short-range="short-range" short-term="short-term" show="show" somatic="somatic" square="square" squared="squared" standard="standard" successive="successive" than="than" that="that" the="the" to="to" variability="variability">

segunda-feira, 10 de setembro de 2012


Filme sobre a necessidade de constância e paixão para o aprimoramento da atuação profissional.

Em um momento em que tudo é para ontem, fico pensando em quem está disposto a tal investimento...

quarta-feira, 5 de setembro de 2012

Suplmentação de creatina para atletas de judô

 2012 Sep 3;9(1):41. [Epub ahead of print]

The effects of training and creatine malate supplementation during preparation period on physical capacity and special fitness in judo contestants.



The purpose of the study was to determine the effect of 6-weeks training and creatine malate supplementation demonstrated in anaerobic capacity and aerobic power and in special judo fitness test performance (Throws in Total and Index in SJFT).


Ten professional competitors aged 21.2+/-3.3 years and practicing judo for 11+/-4.5 years participated in a typical pre-competition training program. Their height and weight during the first measurement were 1.75+/-0.06 m and 76.09+/-14.85 kg, respectively. Subjects participated in the same training sessions. The contestants have been training for approximately 20 hours a week: 5 days for 2 two-hour-training sessions. They used their usual diets. They were randomly selected to a treatment group who were administered the creatine malate (n=5) whereas the controls were receiving a placebo (n=5). All subjects were tested for anaerobic capacity (the Wingate-test) and aerobic power (the progressive test), and in the SJFT test, pre and post a six-week training during preparation period. We have used double-blind placebo-controlled design.


Multifaceted judo training before competition caused a significant (z=2.40, P<0 .05=".05" 3.68="3.68" 78.52="78.52" an="an" anaerobic="anaerobic" and="and" bmi="bmi" body="body" but="but" capacity="capacity" cause="cause" contributed="contributed" control="control" creatine="creatine" did="did" diet="diet" difference="difference" fat="fat" fm="fm" fmi="fmi" focus="focus" group="group" higher="higher" in="in" increase="increase" increased="increased" increment="increment" index="index" indices="indices" kg="kg" malate="malate" mass="mass" me="3.78" n="10)." not="not" observed="observed" obtain="obtain" on="on" p="p" particular="particular" peak="peak" percent="percent" power="power" repectively="repectively" sec="sec" shortening="shortening" significant="significant" supplementation="supplementation" than="than" the="the" there="there" time="time" to="to" topp="topp" vs.="vs." was="was" with="with" z="2.40,">0.05). However, the groups differed in the post-test moment in the fatigue index (FI) (T=48.7+/-5, Me=46.1 vs. C=41.1+/-3, Me=40.4%, Z=1.98, P<0 .05=".05" aerobic="aerobic" and="and" between="between" differences="differences" levels="levels" no="no" observed="observed" of="of" p="p" post-experiment="post-experiment" power="power" pre-="pre-" significant="significant" were="were" whereas="whereas">0.05). Percent at VO2max at the anaerobic threshold (%VO2max), in the first measurement showed no significant differences between two groups, while in the second measurement statistically significant differences were observed: in T group %VO2max was higher (85.43+/-6.35, Me=85.5% vs. 76.13+/-3.48, Me=75.3%, Z=2.09, P<0 .05=".05" a="a" and="and" be="be" but="but" by="by" caused="caused" changes="changes" comparison="comparison" creatine="creatine" differences="differences" expressed="expressed" for="for" found="found" general="general" in="in" index="index" malate="malate" me="28.5" measurement="measurement" measurements="measurements" neither="neither" no="no" nor="nor" not="not" observed="observed" of="of" p="p" post-test="post-test" post="27.9+/-2.4," pre="26.9+/-2.7," pretests="pretests" reflected="reflected" results="results" significant="significant" sjft.="sjft." sjft="sjft" such="such" supplementation="supplementation" the="the" these="these" throws="throws" to="to" total="total" vs.="vs." was="was" were="were" with="with" z="2.67,">0.05).


The multifaceted judo training is conducive to the development of both FM and FMI. Use of supplementation of the diets with creatine malate does not cause an increase in body mass greater than in the control group. Shorter time to obtain peak power (toPP) is conducive to faster execution of rapid planned actions in attack or defense. Pre and post-training aerobic power did not change so it was not supplementation-dependent. Creatine malate did not affect the results in SJFT. There are many determinants of the judo fight results e.g. technical, tactical, physiological and psychological factors, one of them could be supplementation but it cannot be treated as a separate improving factor. The significant improvement in Total Throws in SJFT with the unchanged Index in SJFT suggests better neuromuscular adaptations compared to those occurring in circulatory and respiratory systems. The results obtained during the SJFT test depend not only on energy resources but also on the exercises which improve the technique of performing typical grip-and-throw judo actions, despite the ensuing fatigue. Key words: judo, training effect, creatine malate supplementation, anaerobic capacity, aerobic power, special fitness

terça-feira, 4 de setembro de 2012

Antropometria e desempenho no SJFT em judocas indianos

 2012 Jun;3(2):113-8.

Anthropometric Profile and Special Judo Fitness levels of Indian Judo Players.


Department of Physiology, J.N.M.C. Belgaum, India.



Judo is a complex sport where different anthropological parameters determine performance. Judo, as a sport is not well known in India. There is evident lack of data concerning the anthropological determinants of judo players. This study was conducted to determine the anthropometric profile and Special Judo Fitness levels of judokas.


This cross sectional study was conducted on 31 judo players. Anthropometric profile was assessed by measuring height, weight, body mass index, body circumferences at seven sites, seven site skin fold thickness and body fat percentage as per standard accepted protocol. SpecialJudo Fitness Test - a specific test to evaluate the judo athlete's physical condition was applied. Statistical analysis done using Student's unpaired 't' test and correlation by Karl Pearson's correlation coefficient.


Out of 31 judo players 20 had ≤5 yrs of judo practice (A group) and 11 >5 yrs of judo (B group). Anthropometric findings of both the judogroups were the same. Body fat has negative correlation (r =-0.690, P<0 .05=".05" after="after" and="and" class="highlight" during="during" in="in" nbsp="nbsp" observations="observations" performance="performance" sjft.="sjft." span="span" special="special" style="border: 0px; font-size: 13px; font: inherit; margin: 0px; padding: 0px; vertical-align: baseline;" with="with">judo
fitness test were also similar.


Long term training has a minimal effect on anthropometry. Judo athletes of similar age when submitted to the same training type tend to show equal performance in the game and fitness levels after certain years of training. We also confirm existence of negative correlation between body fat and performance.

Ganho de peso após a pesagem em lutadores iranianos

 2012 Jun;3(2):119-25.

Percentage of body fat and weight gain in participants in the Tehran high school wrestlingchampionship.


Sports Medicine Research Center, Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran.



Weight loss in wrestling has been found to be an interesting issue for researchers. In this regard, complications of weight loss in wrestlers before the competitions and their weight gain in course of competitions have been debated in previous studies. The objective of this study was to investigate the extent of weight gain and to estimate the percentage of body fat in participants in the Tehran high school male wrestlingchampionship.


This study was a cross sectional survey. Subjects were participants of the Tehran high school male wrestling championship (n = 365). Weight gain in course of competitions and body fat levels (based on skin fold measurements) of subjects were measured.


Between the first weigh-in of the wrestlers which was done one day before the competitions and the second weigh-in which was conducted immediately before the first round of their first competition (20 hours), 69% of subjects gained on average 1.3±0.9 kg (range: 0.1 to 6.10 kg) or 2.2±1.7% of the wrestler's weight (range: 0.1 to 9.3). Among the subjects, the mean of fat body percentage was found to be 15.2%.


Rapid weight loss for matches was prevalent among subjects. It was also found that Iranian wrestlers have a relatively higher body fat percentage in comparison to American wrestlers. Therefore, it can be concluded that weight loss behavior of these wrestlers should be changed from using dehydration methods to using gradual methods of weight loss such as fat reduction methods.

segunda-feira, 3 de setembro de 2012

Estatística do masculino nos JO: os números não mentem : )