Não dá para negar que é mais "real"...
Grupo credenciado pela EEFE-USP em 2006. Participantes com (1) publicações de livros e artigos em periódicos nacionais e internacionais; (2) atuação na iniciação às modalidades ou com a preparação de atletas de diversos níveis. No 1o semestre de 2013, o foco central do grupo está direcionado para a conclusão de alguns projetos iniciados em 2012, bem como com o início da coleta de dados de alguns projetos de pesquisa.
Pesquisar este blog
Quem sou eu
- Emerson Franchini
- São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil
- Professor da EEFE-USP; Praticante e Pesquisador de Judô; Preparador físico de atletas de modalidades esportivas de combate.
Arquivo do blog
- ► 2012 (168)
- ► 2011 (203)
quarta-feira, 27 de fevereiro de 2013
Não é sobre L/AM/MEC, mas serve de inspiração : (
segunda-feira, 25 de fevereiro de 2013
Perda de peso e suplementação de citrato em lutadores
Appl Physiol Nutr Metab. 2012 Dec;37(6):1028-37. doi: 10.1139/h2012-089. Epub 2012 Aug 8.
Dietary sodium citrate supplementation enhances rehydration and recovery from rapid body mass loss in trained wrestlers.
Institute of Exercise Biology and Physiotherapy, University of Tartu, Tartu, Estonia.
This study assessed the effects of dietary sodium citrate supplementation during a 16 h recovery from 5% rapid body mass loss (RBML) on physiological functions, affective state, and performance in trained wrestlers. Sixteen wrestlers performed an upper body intermittent sprint performance (UBISP) test under three conditions: before RBML, after RBML, and after a 16 h recovery from RBML. During recovery, the subjects ate a prescribed diet supplemented with sodium citrate (600 mg·kg(-1); CIT group, N = 8) or placebo (PLC group, N = 8) and drank water ad libitum. RBML reduced (p < 0.05) UBISP mean power and increased urine specific gravity (USG). Reduction in mean power was associated with changes in plasma volume (PV) (r = 0.649, p = 0.006) and USG (r = -0.553, p = 0.026). During the 16 h recovery, increases in body mass (BM) and PV were greater (p < 0.05) in the CIT group than in the PLC group. BM gain was associated with water retention in the CIT group (r = 0.899, p = 0.002) but not in the PLC group (r = 0.335, p = 0.417). Blood pH, HCO(3)(-) concentration, and base excess increased (p < 0.05) only in the CIT group. Changes in UBISP, general negative affect, and general positive affect did not differ in the two groups. In conclusion, ingestion of sodium citrate increases blood buffering capacity and PV and stimulates BM regain during a 16 h recovery from RBML in trained wrestlers. However, sodium citrate does not improve UBISP nor does it have an impact on the affective state.
J Sports Sci. 2013 Feb 20. [Epub ahead of print]
Effect of target change during the simple attack in fencing.
a University of Granada , Faculty of Sport Sciences, Department of Physical Education and Sports , Granada , Spain.
Abstract The aim of this study was to test the effect that changing targets during a simple long lunge attack in fencing exerts on the temporal parameters of the reaction response, the execution speed, and the precision and the coordination of the movement pattern. Thirty fencers with more than 10 years of experience participated in this study. Two force platforms were used to record the horizontal components of the reaction forces and thereby to determine the beginning of the movement. A three-dimensional (3D) system recorded the spatial positions of the 9 markers situated on the fencer plus the epee, while a moving target was projected on a screen, enabling the control of the target change. The results indicated that when a target change is provoked the reaction time (RT), movement time (MT), and the time used in the acceleration phase of the centre of mass (CM) increases significantly with respect to the attack executed with a straight thrust. The speed and horizontal distance reached by the CM at the end of the acceleration phase (V(X(CM)) and S(X(CM)), respectively) significantly decreased, while the errors increased. However, the temporal sequence of the movement pattern did not appreciably change.
Enfim, acertar alvo móvel é mais difícil do que acertar um alvo parado : )
domingo, 24 de fevereiro de 2013
PSE, FC e lactato no randori (vai sair no Asian Journal of Sports Medicine)
Association between Rate of Perceived Exertion, Heart Rate and Blood Lactate in Successive Judo Fights (Randori)
Branco, Braulio H.M.; Massuça, Luis M.; Andreato, Leonardo V.; Marinho, Bruno F.; Bianca Miarka; Monteiro, Luis; Franchini, Emerson.
Purpose: This study aims to investigate the association between the rate of perceived exertion (RPE), heart rate (HR) and the blood lactate concentration ([La]) in successive judo fight simulations (randori). Ten athletes participated in the study (age: 25.6±2.1 years; stature: 1.75±0.07 m; body mass: 75.6±14.9kg; %BF: 11.5±7.8%; practice: 14.5±6.2 years) and completed 4 judo fight simulations (T1 to T4) with duration of 5 min
separated with a 5 min passive recovery periods. Before each randori, [La] and HR were collected, and after each randori, the same measures and the RPE (CR-10 scale) were collected. Results: Significant correlations were observed between: (1) CR-10 and HR (T2: r =0.70; T3: r =0.64; booth, P<0 .05="" a="" and="" nbsp="" p="" r=".71," span="">0.05; T2-T3: r =0.92, P<0 .01="" moreover="" nbsp="" p="" r="0.73," significant="" span="" t3-t4:="">differences were noted in the behavior of the HR between the 2nd (T2) and 3rd (T3) judo fight simulations (P<0 .05="" nbsp="" span="">Conclusion: The use of CR-10 in the evaluation process, as well as in deciding the load of training in judo, should be done with caution.0>0>0>
Branco, Braulio H.M.; Massuça, Luis M.; Andreato, Leonardo V.; Marinho, Bruno F.; Bianca Miarka; Monteiro, Luis; Franchini, Emerson.
Purpose: This study aims to investigate the association between the rate of perceived exertion (RPE), heart rate (HR) and the blood lactate concentration ([La]) in successive judo fight simulations (randori). Ten athletes participated in the study (age: 25.6±2.1 years; stature: 1.75±0.07 m; body mass: 75.6±14.9kg; %BF: 11.5±7.8%; practice: 14.5±6.2 years) and completed 4 judo fight simulations (T1 to T4) with duration of 5 min
separated with a 5 min passive recovery periods. Before each randori, [La] and HR were collected, and after each randori, the same measures and the RPE (CR-10 scale) were collected. Results: Significant correlations were observed between: (1) CR-10 and HR (T2: r =0.70; T3: r =0.64; booth, P<0 .05="" a="" and="" nbsp="" p="" r=".71," span="">0.05; T2-T3: r =0.92, P<0 .01="" moreover="" nbsp="" p="" r="0.73," significant="" span="" t3-t4:="">differences were noted in the behavior of the HR between the 2nd (T2) and 3rd (T3) judo fight simulations (P<0 .05="" nbsp="" span="">Conclusion: The use of CR-10 in the evaluation process, as well as in deciding the load of training in judo, should be done with caution.0>0>0>
sábado, 23 de fevereiro de 2013
Composição corporal, VO2max e parâmetros neuromusculares de atletas de TKD
Revista Brasileira de Prescrição e Fisiologia do Exercício
ISSN 1981-9900 versão eletrônica
Per iódico do Ins t i tuto Brasi lei ro de Pesqui sa e Ensino em Fi s iologia do Exercício
w w w . i b p e f e x . c o m . b r / w w w . r b p f e x . c o m . b r
Anderson Campos1, Marina Leichtweis2, Nunes Volmar3, Mariangela Afonso3
FC e PSE em atletas de BJJ
Revista Brasileira de Prescrição e Fisiologia do Exercício
ISSN 1981-9900 versão eletrônica
Per iódico do Ins t i tuto Brasi lei ro de Pesqui sa e Ensino em Fi s iologia do Exercício
w w w . i b p e f e x . c o m . b r / w w w . r b p f e x . c o m . b r
COMPORTAMENTO DA FREQUÊNCIA CARDÍACA E PERCEPÇÃO SUBJETIVA DE ESFORÇO DURANTE COMBATE DE JIU-JITSU BRASILEIRO Richard William Carneiro1, Thiago Mattos Frota De Souza2, Claudio de Oliveira Assumpção3, João Bartholomeu Neto4, Ricardo Yukio Asano4, José Fernando de Oliveira5
O presente estudo teve como objetivo avaliar o comportamento da frequência cardíaca (FC) e sua relação com a percepção subjetiva de esforço (PSE) em atletas de Jiu-Jitsu Brasileiro (JJB) com idade de 27±6,24 anos, 85,6±16,95 kg, 1,76±0,06 m e IMC 28 ± 4,33 kg/m². O protocolo experimental consistiu da simulação de um combate com utilização de tempo oficial (10 minutos) independente de ocorrer ou não a finalização do adversário. A FC foi aferida pré (113,4±13,2 bpm), durante todo combate, nos minutos 2,5 (165,1±11,9 bpm), 5 (170,1±15,9 bpm), 7,5 (170,1±13,9 bpm) e 10 (173,1±10,4 bpm) e pós, nos minutos 1 (139,8±13,0 bpm), 2 (132,4±10,6 bpm) e 3 (127,1±12,1 bpm), assim como a PSE (5,0±1,0) ao final da luta. De acordo com os resultados foi possível verificar que os lutadores mantiveram a frequência cardíaca elevada durante toda a luta, correspondendo a uma alta intensidade de esforço (91,6±5,5 %), assim como a PSE, que apresentou classificação próxima à PESADA. Deste modo, concluímos que a utilização da escala de Borg foi capaz de identificar a intensidade de esforço durante
Artigo sobre salto em atletas de TKD
Revista Brasileira de Prescrição e Fisiologia do Exercício
ISSN 1981-9900 versão eletrônica
Per iódico do Ins t i tuto Brasi lei ro de Pesqui sa e Ensino em Fi s iologia do Exercício
w w w . i b p e f e x . c o m . b r / w w w . r b p f e x . c o m . b r
Antônio Márcio dos Santos Valente1,
Marcos Túlio Batista2,
Liliam Fernandes de Oliveira3
A prática do taekwondo envolve saídas explosivas e uma grande quantidade de saltos com mudanças de direção e giros rápidos. Estas características favorecem o aparecimento da fadiga, uma variável presente em diversas situações de luta. Testes físicos com saltos verticais têm sido aplicados para quantificação do desempenho e estimativa da capacidade atlética em geral, como a potência de membros inferiores, a resistência à fadiga e a contribuição do componente elástico do músculo. O objetivo deste trabalho foi analisar o índice elástico (IE), o índice de fadiga (IF), o pico de potência (PP) e a potência média (PM) durante o desempenho de saltos verticais de atletas de taekwondo baseados em parâmetros de resistência muscular de membros inferiores (MMII) em atletas desta modalidade. Sete atletas de taekwondo masculino realizaram três tipos de saltos em um tapete de contato: com contramovimento e sem utilização dos membros superiores (CMJ), salto partindo da posição estática com 90º de flexão de joelho (SJ 90º) e 4 séries de 15s de saltos intermitentes. As variáveis estudadas foram: o pico de potência (PP), a potência média (PM), o índice de armazenamento de energia elástica (IE) e o índice de fadiga (IF). Os resultados registraram valor de IE = 7,59 ± 2,07 cm e IF = 81 ± 0,12%. O valor do PP = 25,79 ± 2,26 watts/kg está compatível com os achados em estudos envolvendo atletas de outras modalidades já a PM = 23,22 ± 1,98 watts/kg, manteve-se relativamente acima, indicando a necessidade de um melhor controle no esforço máximo durante o teste. As análises indicam que não há correlação entre a estimativa dos valores (IE) e (IF) e que média da altura dos saltos realizados nas 4 séries de 15s parece estar relacionada com a qualidade de força muscular devido à correlação positiva e significativa com o SJ. Sugere-se atenção na interpretação dos resultados, pois a produção da PM pode ser influenciada pela eficiência mecânica do movimento em esforço máximo e pelo efeito motivacional do atleta na realização do teste.
quarta-feira, 20 de fevereiro de 2013
FILA cria comissão científica
February 20, 2013
From the FILA Bureau Meeting held in Phuket (THA) on 15-16 February 2013: Approval was given for the establishment of a Scientific Department within FILA and named David Curby (USA), Boris Podlivaev (RUS), Harold Tünnemann (GER), Ioannis Barbas (GRE), Bahman Mirzaei (IRI) as members.
The impetus for this major addition has been the work of the International Network of Wrestling Researchers (INWR). During the past five years, this organization has gathered a large network of over 250 scholars and wrestling professionals from 58 FILA countries. The INWR has organized scientific meetings at the past two world championships, and the publishing of a scientific journal-the International Journal of Wrestling Science. The INWR initiated the proposal for a Scientific Department to FILA two in 2011. Our intentions are work for FILA and support the new department in the following areas:
Promotion and Support of Needed Wrestling Research
* Conduct research requested by FILA to answer important questions.
* Organize research activities at major wrestling competitions and training centers.
* Form collaborative arrangements that will provide the Department with increased access to expertise and other research resources.
* Identify wrestling researchers and scientists at an international level.
* Build a communication network so that wrestling researchers may communicate and share ideas.
* Support a database of wrestling-related research articles.
Distribution of Wrestling Scientific Knowledge
* Organize wrestling scientific congresses, seminars and workshops.
* Publish a wrestling scientific journal.
* Provide a wrestling scientific portal and discussion forum to enable communication between wrestling scientists, coaches and athletes.
* Support wrestling-related educational activities in collaboration with academic institutions and universities (e.g. advanced degrees).
Scientific Support
* Provide scientific information for FILA Bureau and the other FILA Departments.
* Provide scientific information for National Wrestling Federations.
* Develop the curricula of training and certification programs for all Federations to use with the various level of coaches-basic to advanced degrees.
* Complete other relevant tasks as assigned by the FILA Bureau.
The work of this department in the year 2013, will have the following objectives: 1) organize the new Scientific Department and provide immediate support to the efforts to keep our sport in the Olympic Games; 2) continue the publication and dissemination of our journal in March and September; 3) produce the curriculum for the basic wrestling coach certification for use by all federations (with advanced programs to follow) and 4) organize a combined Medical and Scientific Congress to be held in conjunction with the Budapest World Championships. We remain at the disposal of FILA and will take the steps that are necessary to bring the FILA Scientific Department to the service of wrestling.
Soco no TKD
domingo, 17 de fevereiro de 2013
Torque em lutadores
Acta Bioeng Biomech. 2012;14(4):107-12.
Estimation of muscle torque in various combat sports.
Józef Piłsudski University of Physical Education, Department of Physical Education, Warsaw, Poland.
The purpose of the research was to compare muscle torque of elite combat groups. Twelve taekwondo WTF athletes, twelvetaekwondo ITF athletes and nine boxers participated in the study. Measurements of muscle torques were done under static conditions on a special stand which belonged to the Department of Biomechanics. The sum of muscle torque of lower right and left extremities of relative values was significantly higher for taekwondo WTF athletes than for boxers (16%, p < 0.001 for right and 10%, p < 0.05 for left extremities) and taekwondo ITF (10%, p < 0.05 for right and 8% for left extremities). TaekwondoITF athletes attained significantly higher absolute muscle torque values than boxers for elbow flexors (20%, p < 0.05 for right and 11% for left extremities) and extensors (14% for right and 18%, p < 0.05 for left extremities) and shoulder flexors (10% for right and 12%, p < 0.05 for left extremities) and extensors (11% for right and 1% for left extremities). Taekwondo WTF andtaekwondo ITF athletes obtained significantly different relative values of muscle torque of the hip flexors (16%, p < 0.05) and extensors (11%, p < 0.05) of the right extremities.
Use vermelho
J Sport Exerc Psychol. 2013 Feb;35(1):44-9.
Influence of red jersey color on physical parameters in combat sports.
Institute of Sport and Exercise Sciences, University of Muenster, Muenster, Germany.
Hill and Barton (2005) showed that fighters in tae kwon do, boxing, and wrestling who wore red jerseys during the 2004 Olympic Games won more often than those wearing blue jerseys. Regarding these results, this study investigated the effects of jersey color during a combat situation on fighters' physical parameters of strength and heart rate. An artificial, experimental combat situation was created in which the color of sport attire was assigned randomly. Fourteen pairs of male athletes matched for weight, height, and age had to fight each other: once in a red jersey and once in a blue. Heart rate (before, during, and after the fight) and strength (before the fight) were tested wearing the blue and the red jerseys. Participants wearing red jerseys had significantly higher heart rates and significantly higher pre-contest values on the strength test. Results showed that participants' body functions are influenced by wearing red equipment.
sábado, 16 de fevereiro de 2013
Mais notícias do judô espacial
NASA garante que meteoro apenas não acertou a Terra nesta sexta-feira pq astronautas judocas fizeram o "kuzushi" no momento certo e o desviaram.
Agora, além de recomendado para crianças em todo o universo conhecido, o judô também será obrigatório na formação dos astronautas terrestres.
Agora, além de recomendado para crianças em todo o universo conhecido, o judô também será obrigatório na formação dos astronautas terrestres.
quinta-feira, 14 de fevereiro de 2013
Aspectos psicológicos de atletas de TKD
Introduction. The aim of the present investigations was to evaluate selected motor and psychological factors characterising students training Olympic taekwondo at various level of sports advancement. Material and methods. Forty students of the Universities from Zamość representing Olympic taekwondo took part in the
research. The type and structure of personality were measure by Questionnaire of Personality of ZKKO Zuckerman-Kuhlman and International Committee on the Standardisation of Physical Fitness Tests (ICSPFT) were measure level of physical fitness. Results. The research proved that personality features under investigation, i.e. Imp-SS, N-Anx., Agg-Host, Act. fall into the range of medium results. The group of subjects demonstrating high levels of sports advancement Imp-SS and N-Anx fall into the range of low results. The other features, i.e. Agg-Host, Act. and Soc. are at the level of medium results. As far as the group of subjects with medium levels is concerned, all personality traits fall into the range of medium results.
Conclusion. It was observed that competitors with higher levels of physical fitness manifest higher levels
Faltou estratégia
Depoimento do Leandro Guilheiro sobre os desempenho nos Jogos de Londres
Até que enfim um protesto contra as regras novas do judô
Um pouco radical, mas acredito ser importante que alguém se manifeste...
quarta-feira, 13 de fevereiro de 2013
Falando sério: L/AM/MEC e crianças e adolescentes
Interventions Shown to Aid Executive Function Development in Children 4 to 12 Years Old Science 333, 959 (2011);
Adele Diamond1* and Kathleen Lee1
To be successful takes creativity, flexibility, self-control, and discipline. Central to all those are executive functions, including mentally playing with ideas, giving a considered rather than animpulsive response, and staying focused. Diverse activities have been shown to improve children’s executive functions: computerized training, noncomputerized games, aerobics, martial arts, yoga,mindfulness, and school curricula. All successful programs involve repeated practice and progressively increase the challenge to executive functions. Children with worse executive functions benefit most from these activities; thus, early executive-function training may avert widening
achievement gaps later. To improve executive functions, focusing narrowly on them may not be as effective as also addressing emotional and social development (as do curricula that improve executive functions) and physical development (shown by positive effects of aerobics, martial arts, and yoga).
Martial Arts Research: Prudent Skepticism
Martial Arts Research: Weak Evidence
fica o desafio da condução de um estudo bem controlado sobre os reais benefícios dessas atividades para crianças e adolescentes...
Interventions Shown to Aid Executive Function Development in Children 4 to 12 Years Old Science 333, 959 (2011);
Adele Diamond1* and Kathleen Lee1
To be successful takes creativity, flexibility, self-control, and discipline. Central to all those are executive functions, including mentally playing with ideas, giving a considered rather than animpulsive response, and staying focused. Diverse activities have been shown to improve children’s executive functions: computerized training, noncomputerized games, aerobics, martial arts, yoga,mindfulness, and school curricula. All successful programs involve repeated practice and progressively increase the challenge to executive functions. Children with worse executive functions benefit most from these activities; thus, early executive-function training may avert widening
achievement gaps later. To improve executive functions, focusing narrowly on them may not be as effective as also addressing emotional and social development (as do curricula that improve executive functions) and physical development (shown by positive effects of aerobics, martial arts, and yoga).
Martial Arts Research: Prudent Skepticism
Martial Arts Research: Weak Evidence
fica o desafio da condução de um estudo bem controlado sobre os reais benefícios dessas atividades para crianças e adolescentes...
Journal of Sports Science and Medicine (2010) 9, 528-537
Received: 20 May 2010 / Accepted: 06 August 2010 / Published (online): 01 December 2010
The social-psychological outcomes of martial arts practise among youth: A review
Jikkemien Vertonghen and Marc Theeboom Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium
Martial arts involvement among the youth has been described in controversial terms. Studies regarding the effects of martial arts practise on youth show contrasting images. While some refer to enhanced personal and social opportunities for those that participate, others warn against increased levels of aggressiveness and antisocial behavior among its participants. The aim of the present review is to provide, firstly, an overview of the major findings of studies concerning the social-psychological outcomes of martial arts practise. Secondly, the limitations of those studies are discussed. From more than 350 papers, collected during a two-year lasting literature study, 27 papers met all criteria to be included in this study. This review revealed that even though a considerable amount of research on socialpsychological outcomes of martial arts practise has been conducted over the years, to date, it has not brought clarity in the
existing duality regarding the possible effects of martial arts involvement. It is proposed that a better understanding can be provided if specific influential factors are taken into account in future research (i.e., participants’ characteristics, type of guidance, social context and structural qualities of the sport)
Journal of Sports Science and Medicine (2010) 9, 528-537
Received: 20 May 2010 / Accepted: 06 August 2010 / Published (online): 01 December 2010
The social-psychological outcomes of martial arts practise among youth: A review
Jikkemien Vertonghen and Marc Theeboom Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium
Martial arts involvement among the youth has been described in controversial terms. Studies regarding the effects of martial arts practise on youth show contrasting images. While some refer to enhanced personal and social opportunities for those that participate, others warn against increased levels of aggressiveness and antisocial behavior among its participants. The aim of the present review is to provide, firstly, an overview of the major findings of studies concerning the social-psychological outcomes of martial arts practise. Secondly, the limitations of those studies are discussed. From more than 350 papers, collected during a two-year lasting literature study, 27 papers met all criteria to be included in this study. This review revealed that even though a considerable amount of research on socialpsychological outcomes of martial arts practise has been conducted over the years, to date, it has not brought clarity in the
existing duality regarding the possible effects of martial arts involvement. It is proposed that a better understanding can be provided if specific influential factors are taken into account in future research (i.e., participants’ characteristics, type of guidance, social context and structural qualities of the sport)
Judo for Children and Adolescents: Benefits of Combat Sports Strength and Conditioning Journal (edição especial de dez de 2011, p.60-63)
David H. Fukuda, MS,1 Jeffrey R. Stout, PhD,1 Patrick M. Burris, BA,2 and Robert S. Fukuda, BS3
1Metabolic and Body Composition Laboratory, Department of Health and Exercise Science, University of Oklahoma, Norman, Oklahoma; 2USA Judo, USA Stars Foundation, Moore, Oklahoma; and 3United States Judo Federation, Western Idaho Judo Institute, Fruitland, Idaho
Judo for Children and Adolescents: Benefits of Combat Sports Strength and Conditioning Journal (edição especial de dez de 2011, p.60-63)
David H. Fukuda, MS,1 Jeffrey R. Stout, PhD,1 Patrick M. Burris, BA,2 and Robert S. Fukuda, BS3
1Metabolic and Body Composition Laboratory, Department of Health and Exercise Science, University of Oklahoma, Norman, Oklahoma; 2USA Judo, USA Stars Foundation, Moore, Oklahoma; and 3United States Judo Federation, Western Idaho Judo Institute, Fruitland, Idaho
terça-feira, 12 de fevereiro de 2013
Judô espacial
NASA declara que o amortecimento de quedas é mais eficiente na Lua. Crianças com medo de cair ou com dificuldade no aprendizado dessas técnicas passarão a aprender as técnicas de ukemi do judô nesse local. Astronautas já estão sendo treinados para transmitir as técnicas. Os candidatos brasileiros para o ensino lunar deverão possuir registro profissional.
A NASA também descobriu que os astronautas que simultaneamente apresentam olhos negros e são canhotos preferem o judô como modalidade esportiva. Em missões em que pelo menos dois astronautas gostarem de judô, a agência considera a possibilidade de alterar o tradicional uniforme branco, entregando um uniforme azul para um deles. Dessa forma, além de facilitar o monitoramento das técnicas aplicadas pela dupla, atenderão a regra da FIJ qto à coloração dos judogis. Aqueles que romperem a pegada com as duas mãos serão enviados em uma missão ao Sol.
Fonte: site do Sérgio Mallandro : )
P.S.: infelizmente a notícia foi retirada do site horas atrás
NASA declara que o amortecimento de quedas é mais eficiente na Lua. Crianças com medo de cair ou com dificuldade no aprendizado dessas técnicas passarão a aprender as técnicas de ukemi do judô nesse local. Astronautas já estão sendo treinados para transmitir as técnicas. Os candidatos brasileiros para o ensino lunar deverão possuir registro profissional.
A NASA também descobriu que os astronautas que simultaneamente apresentam olhos negros e são canhotos preferem o judô como modalidade esportiva. Em missões em que pelo menos dois astronautas gostarem de judô, a agência considera a possibilidade de alterar o tradicional uniforme branco, entregando um uniforme azul para um deles. Dessa forma, além de facilitar o monitoramento das técnicas aplicadas pela dupla, atenderão a regra da FIJ qto à coloração dos judogis. Aqueles que romperem a pegada com as duas mãos serão enviados em uma missão ao Sol.
Fonte: site do Sérgio Mallandro : )
P.S.: infelizmente a notícia foi retirada do site horas atrás
Save Olympic Wrestling
Pessoal do wrestling se mobilizando para manter a modalidade nos JO.
Artigo sobre BJJ: vai sair
Asian Journal of Sports Medicine
Physiological and technical-tactical analysis in Brazilian jiu-jitsu competition
Leonardo Vidal Andreato, Emerson Franchini, Solange Marta Franzói de Moraes, Juliana Jacques Pastório, Danilo Fernandes da Silva da Silva, João Victor Del Conti Esteves, Braulio Henrique Magnani Branco, Paulo Vitor da Silva Romero, Fabiana Andrade Machado
Purpose: The present study aims at investigating the physiological response and technical-tactical parameters in Brazilian jiu-jitsu competition.
Methods: The study included 35 male Brazilian jiu-jitsu athletes (adult category, body mass: 80.2 ± 13.0 kg), graded from white to brown belt, during combats fought at regional level. Twenty-two fights were analyzed in terms of technique and time structure. Blood glucose, lactate and maximal isometric grip strength were determined before and after the fights. The rate of perceived exertion was also assessed after the fight, using the 6-20 Borg scale. The fights were recorded and the following variables were determined: the exertion/pause ratio and subjective intensity of actions, categorized between low and high intensity.
Results: The results indicated that during Brazilian jiu-jitsu fights, the glycolytic pathway is only moderately activated (lactate before: 4.4 (4.0 – 4.6) mmol/L, after: 10.1 (8.0 – 11.3) mmol/L; glucose before: 112.4 ± 22.3 mg/dL, after: 130.5 ± 31.0 mg/dL). The exertion during the fight resulted in significant reductions in handgrip strength (right hand grip before: 45.9 ± 10.3 kgf, after: 40.1 ± 9.5 kgf; left hand grip before: 44.2 ± 11.1 kgf, after: 37.0 ± 10.2 kgf). The athletes rated the fight as hard: 15 (13 – 15). Effort/pause ratio was 6:1, while high-intensity actions lasted approximately 4 s, resulting in a low/high intensity ratio of 6:1.
Conclusions: It is recommended that coaches direct the training loads to simulate the energy demand imposed by the competitive matches, activating moderately the glycolytic pathway. Moreover, the time structure of combats can be used to prescribe both physical and technical-tactical training.
Key Words: Combat Sports; Martial Arts; jiu-jitsu; Sports; Athletic Performance
Modalidades olímpicas para 2020
Comitê Executivo do Comitê Olímpico recomenda as 25 modalidades centrais para os Jogos de 2020. Dentre as modalidades de combate, manutenção do boxe, esgrima, judô e taekwondo.
As lutas (Greco-Romana e Livre) não serão apresentadas como centrais entre as 25; disputarão com baseball/softball, karate, esportes com patins, escalada, squash, wakeboarding e wushu por uma posição.
Detalhes no link abaixo:
segunda-feira, 11 de fevereiro de 2013
Simpósio sobre TKD
The 4th International Symposium
for Taekwondo Studies
Strengthening Youth Education through Taekwondo
July 16-17, 2013
Puebla, Mexico
Important Dates
April 15, 2013
Abstract Submission
March 30, 2013
Early Registration
July 16-17, 2013
Symposium Dates
Organizing Partners
The 4th International Symposium for Taekwondo Studies will be organized by the World Taekwondo Federation (WTF), and International Association of Taekwondo Research (IATR).
Research Field
Papers will include studies of Sports Science related to Taekwondo (TKD) such as Sports Physiology, Biomechanics, Sports Medicine, Philosophy/Pedagogy of TKD, Sports Sociology/Sports Psychology, and Sports Marketing.
Registration / Submission
Abstract submissions should be emailed to Dr. Jongkook Song by the 15th of April, 2013
Revendo os clássicos para entender o presente
Saeki (1994) The conflict between Tradition and Modernization in a Sport Organization: A Sociological Study of Issues Surrounding the Organizational Reformation of the all Japan Judo FederationInternational Review for Sociology of Sport,
"The direct reason for the AJSJF to secede from the AJJF was a reaction against the tight control of the AJJF during the 1st International Student Judo Tournament - The Shoriki Cup. As indicated by the name of the tournament, the tournament was held in commemoration of Matsutaro Shoriki, chairman of the Congressional Judo Federation and CEO of one of Japan’s major dailynewspapers, The Daily Yomiuri, as well as Nippon Television, a national television network. As chairman of a supporter’s association, Shoriki collected a significant donation which went to the construction of the new Kodokan building as part of the 70th anniversary of the Kodokan. To show its appreciation for Shoriki’s efforts, the Kodokan granted him an honorary 9th degree. However, it is said that Shoriki expected instead a 10th degree and since this incident, became critical of the Kodokan (Kudo 1972). Later, Shoriki petitioned Congress to create a new mecca for the martial arts and his efforts resulted in the creation of the Budokan in 1964 (Oimatsu 1970). It was due to these reasons that the judo events during the 1964 Summer Olympics were held at the Budokan and not the Kodokan. Behind the conflict of the AJJF and AJSJF lay the conflict between Shoriki and the Kodokan." (p.308-309).
AJJF = All Japan Judo Federation
AJSJF = All Japan Student Judo Federation
"A razão direta para a AJSJF separar-se da AJJF foi um reação contra o controle rígido da AJJF durante o 1o Torneio de Judô Estudantil Internacional - A Copa Shoriki. Como indicado pelo nome do torneio, o torneio foi realizado em comemoração a Matsutaro Shoriki, presidente Congressional Judo Federation e CEO de um dos principais jornais diários do Japão, The Daily Yomiuri, como também da Televisão Nippon, uma rede de televisão nacional. Como presidente de uma associação de patrocinadores, Shoriki coletou uma significante doação que resultou na construção do novo prédio da Kodokan como parte do 70o aniversário da Kodokan. Para mostrar seu apreço pelos esforços de Shoriki, a Kodokan o concedeu o 9o dan honorário. No entanto, é dito que Shoriki esperava o 10th dan e desde esse incidente, se tornou crítico da Kodokan (Kudo 1972). Depois, Shoriki solicitou ao Congresso para criar uma nova meca para as artes marciais e seus esforços resultaram na criação da Budokan em 1964 (Oimatsu 1970). Foi devido a essas razões que os eventos de judô durante os Jogos Olímpicos de verão de 1964 foram realizados na Budokan e não na Kodokan. Atrás do conflito da AJJF e AJSJF está o conflito entre Shoriki e a Kodokan" (p.308-309).
"The direct reason for the AJSJF to secede from the AJJF was a reaction against the tight control of the AJJF during the 1st International Student Judo Tournament - The Shoriki Cup. As indicated by the name of the tournament, the tournament was held in commemoration of Matsutaro Shoriki, chairman of the Congressional Judo Federation and CEO of one of Japan’s major dailynewspapers, The Daily Yomiuri, as well as Nippon Television, a national television network. As chairman of a supporter’s association, Shoriki collected a significant donation which went to the construction of the new Kodokan building as part of the 70th anniversary of the Kodokan. To show its appreciation for Shoriki’s efforts, the Kodokan granted him an honorary 9th degree. However, it is said that Shoriki expected instead a 10th degree and since this incident, became critical of the Kodokan (Kudo 1972). Later, Shoriki petitioned Congress to create a new mecca for the martial arts and his efforts resulted in the creation of the Budokan in 1964 (Oimatsu 1970). It was due to these reasons that the judo events during the 1964 Summer Olympics were held at the Budokan and not the Kodokan. Behind the conflict of the AJJF and AJSJF lay the conflict between Shoriki and the Kodokan." (p.308-309).
AJJF = All Japan Judo Federation
AJSJF = All Japan Student Judo Federation
"A razão direta para a AJSJF separar-se da AJJF foi um reação contra o controle rígido da AJJF durante o 1o Torneio de Judô Estudantil Internacional - A Copa Shoriki. Como indicado pelo nome do torneio, o torneio foi realizado em comemoração a Matsutaro Shoriki, presidente Congressional Judo Federation e CEO de um dos principais jornais diários do Japão, The Daily Yomiuri, como também da Televisão Nippon, uma rede de televisão nacional. Como presidente de uma associação de patrocinadores, Shoriki coletou uma significante doação que resultou na construção do novo prédio da Kodokan como parte do 70o aniversário da Kodokan. Para mostrar seu apreço pelos esforços de Shoriki, a Kodokan o concedeu o 9o dan honorário. No entanto, é dito que Shoriki esperava o 10th dan e desde esse incidente, se tornou crítico da Kodokan (Kudo 1972). Depois, Shoriki solicitou ao Congresso para criar uma nova meca para as artes marciais e seus esforços resultaram na criação da Budokan em 1964 (Oimatsu 1970). Foi devido a essas razões que os eventos de judô durante os Jogos Olímpicos de verão de 1964 foram realizados na Budokan e não na Kodokan. Atrás do conflito da AJJF e AJSJF está o conflito entre Shoriki e a Kodokan" (p.308-309).
domingo, 10 de fevereiro de 2013
Suplementação de cafeína em esgrimistas
J Sports Sci. 2013 Feb 5. [Epub ahead of print]
The effect of caffeine ingestion on skill maintenance and fatigue in epee fencers.
a University of East London, Health and Bioscience , Water Lane , Stratford , E15 4LZ , United Kingdom.
Abstract The ergogenic effect of caffeine on sports performance focuses predominantly on endurance sports (Doherty & Smith, 2004 ) with little research on intermittent high intensity sports. This study aimed to explore the effect of caffeine ingestion on skill maintenance following fencingsimulated exercise. Eleven competitive fencers participated (four female; seven male; age 33 ± 6.5 years). Following a maximal test to exhaustion, fencers completed two trials assessing accuracy and reaction times (Stroop test) before and after a fatiguing protocol designed to simulate the demands of a fencing competition. Skill testing involved 30 lunges to hit a target. 500 ml placebo or 3 mg · kg(-1) caffeine supplemented drink was administered after the initial reaction and skill tests in a single-blind crossover design. The fatiguing protocol involved simulating six fights with 6-minute rests between each. Fencers rated their perceived exertion (arm, legs, overall) using the Borg scale. There was no overall effect of caffeine on total skill score (P = 0.40), however there was a tendency for fewer misses with caffeine (P = 0.10). Caffeine had no effect on the Stroop Test. Caffeine produced significantly lower perceived fatigue for overall (P < 0.01). These results provide some support for caffeine producing maintenance of skill and reducing perceived fatigue during fencing.
sexta-feira, 8 de fevereiro de 2013
Dormiu mal?
Effects of partial sleep deprivation at the end of the night on anaerobic performances in judokas (
Article in press
a Research Unit (EM2S), High Institute of Sport and Physical Education, Sfax University, Sfax, Tunisia
b Research Laboratory Sport Performance Optimization, National Centre of Medicine and Sciences in Sport (CNMSS), Tunis, Tunisia
c High Institute of Sport and Physical Education, Ksar-Saïd, Manouba University, Tunis, Tunisia
b Research Laboratory Sport Performance Optimization, National Centre of Medicine and Sciences in Sport (CNMSS), Tunis, Tunisia
c High Institute of Sport and Physical Education, Ksar-Saïd, Manouba University, Tunis, Tunisia
The aim of the present study was to examine the effect of partial sleep deprivation at the end of the night (PSDE) on anaerobic performances during the Wingate test (peak (PP) and mean (MP) power) and the hand grip (HG) test in judokas. In a randomized order, twenty-one judokas (age: 19.1 ± 1.2 yrs; height: 176.5 ± 4.2 cm; body mass: 77.3 ± 6.3 kg) performed two sessions after a normal sleep night (NSN) or a PSDE. During each session, they carried out the Wingate and the HG tests before (T0) and after (T1) a judo match. Rating of perceived exertion (RPE) scores were obtained at the end of the combat. PP and MP decreased significantly from T0 to T1 during the two experimental conditions (p < 0.01), and from NSN to PSDE at T0 and T1 (p < 0.05). However, the HG strength decreased only from T0 to T1 (p < 0.001) and was not significantly affected by PSDE. Likewise, the RPE scores were not affected by PSDE. Therefore, PSDE (i) reduced muscle power during the Wingate test and (ii) did not affect muscle strength during the HG test.
Suplementação de glutamina em atletas de judô
Effect of glutamine supplementation on neutrophil function in male judoists (
Article in press
Sasaki, E.a
, Umeda, T.a, Takahashi, I.a, Arata, K.b, Yamamoto, Y.b, Tanabe, M.ab, Oyamada, K.a, Hashizume, E.c, Nakaji, S.a

a Department of Social Medicine Hirosaki University Graduate School of Medicine Hirosaki, Aomori Japan
b Department of Physical Education Nippon Sport Science University Setagaya Tokyo Japan
c Healthcare Products Development Center Kyowa Hakko Bio Co., Ltd. Tsukuba Japan
b Department of Physical Education Nippon Sport Science University Setagaya Tokyo Japan
c Healthcare Products Development Center Kyowa Hakko Bio Co., Ltd. Tsukuba Japan
Glutamine is an important amino acid for immune function. Though high intensity and prolonged exercise decreases plasma glutamine concentration and causes immune suppression, the relationship between neutrophil functions and glutamine has not yet been found. The purpose of this study was to investigate the impacts of glutamine supplementation on neutrophil function. Twenty-six male university judoists were recruited. Subjects were classified into glutamine and control groups. The glutamine group ingested 3000 mg of glutamine per day and the control group ingested placebo for 2 weeks. Examinations were performed at the start of preunified loading exercise (pre-ULE), then 1 and 2 weeks after ULE (post-ULE). Reactive oxygen species (ROS) production, phagocytic activity, serum opsonic activity and serum myogenic enzymes were measured. Differences between the levels obtained in pre-ULE and post-ULE for the two groups were compared. In the glutamine group, ROS production activity increased 1 week after ULE, whereas it was not observed in the control group (P<0 .001="" activity="" after="" an="" and="" by="" damage="" during="" enzymes="" especially="" even="" excessive="" function="" glutamine="" group="" has="" in="" increased="" intensive="" muscle="" myogenic="" nbsp="" neutrophil="" of="" p="" period.="" prevented="" production="" remained="" ros="" significantly="" supplementation="" suppression="" the="" though="" training="" ule.="" ule="" unchanged="">0>
Arbitragem no judô
Judges in judo conform to the referee because of the reactive feedback system (
Article in press
a Department of Kinesiology, KU Leuven, Tervuursevest 101, Heverlee, Leuven 3001, Belgium
b Department of Rehabilitation Sciences, KU Leuven, Leuven, Belgium
c Institute for Media Studies, KU Leuven, Leuven, Belgium
b Department of Rehabilitation Sciences, KU Leuven, Leuven, Belgium
c Institute for Media Studies, KU Leuven, Leuven, Belgium
This experiment tested whether the conformism observed among panels of judges in aesthetic sports also occurs among judges in judo. Similar to aesthetic sports, judo judging relies upon a form of open feedback. However, in judo, this system is reactive (i.e. two judges have to publicly 'correct' the score given by the higher-status referee), whereas it is active in aesthetic sports (i.e. judges with equal status report their score simultaneously and can use the feedback about the scores of their colleagues for evaluating later performances). In order to test whether such reactive open-feedback system leads to conformism among judges in judo, we designed an experiment in which this feedback was manipulated. Participants were 20 certified Flemish judges, who had to score two sets of 11 ambiguous video sequences that are used during formation and training of judo judges: one set with feedback about the referee's score and one set without feedback. The results revealed that when participants knew the referee's score, their scores were significantly more in line with this score than when they did not know this score. More specifically, for both sets of sequences at least 10% less deviations from the referee were observed when participants were given feedback about the score of the referee. These results suggest that preventable conformism can occur in typical judo judging, that is with reactive open feedback.
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